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She says she is still in love with me but has taken up with my mate!


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Hey, well thanks to the support i received on friday we have reached a conclusion. GF as was came to collect her son who I had looked after for 30 hours while she went away with daughter for the night. We got chatting and in my emotional state I asked her a few things that got her uptight but as we get on so well we chatted it through and I asked her if we had any hope - she replied that we never know where life will take us but at this minute she said we would not be together as a couple in the true sense but that as far as she concerned we wopuld be best mates forever as the bond we have is so strong given what we been through together. When she left i suppose in a sad way I had a weight lifted in some way and decided to finish the job - I rang her and told her I would be ringing 'mate' to arrange a meet and not to worry. I then rang mate, asked him to be in a certain pub asap, with money as I would not buy beer for us - he came- told him he been a complete **** etc etc and long story short that he better look after her as I would always be there for her. Went well, rules set etc. Spoke to gf and explained where i was and she admitted she not sure if she has made a mistake - not necessarily not being with me but being with him as he remionded her of her nasty ex husband (this freaks me but cannot say that to her, apparently daughter says the same- told her to think carefully and that if she had doubts to get out and i would be there to support as a friend while she sorts herself out! Whilst still worried about her I have moved on loads since friday when i received so much feedback that helped me get the strength to move forward. Thank you everyone. I would still marry her haha but only time will tell!!!

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