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Meeting people in LA?!


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So, I joined a gym. That's good for my body and stuff. Everyone is doing there thing so you can't really talk to people.

I go to a meet-up group, but it's only once a month, and there is no real interest there. It's a board/card game group. Mostly men or older/married women.

My roommates barely have any money and never go out.

I have 3 co-workers who are not my age in relationships.

I am on O.KCupid but nothing has EVER panned out.

Is it because I'm in LA or is it mostly my age? Remember, I've only lived here for a year.

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I'm an L.A. native so I know about meeting people here (it's easy). Most people here are athletic, so join a team and do sports on the weekends (soccer and running clubs are really big now). Education is also big here so taking a class or two never hurts. I avoid the music biz (too crazy for me), but you can meet people at clubs pretty easily (there must be one on every block). If worst comes to worst, EVERYONE goes to the beach on the weekends.

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Why don't you join a meetup group that is geared more towards your age group? Maybe something like hiking. I also agree that taking a class is a good way to meet people. You can also volunteer at various events or at one place consistently, which will put you in contact with others. Also, don't automatically dismiss people as potential friends just because they are in relationships or they are not your age. Be open to different types of friendships.

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