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i posted awhile ago about how i want to lose weight..with stress and everything i found myself close to 190..i'm about 5'7 and i actually don't think I looked really overweight..i have a curvy figure regardless but I could see a difference..I amot about 173 and still want to lose another 10lbs. There is my favorite pair of jeans I would like to fit into..they zipper and everything but it seems i still have too much fat to wear them..you know how it enhanced your stomach area and love handles if the jeans are too tight? So i think another 10lbs would do it actually.


The summer is here so i feel more pressure and feel like i dont have alot of things to wear especially for dates..yea, dresses and skirts but still..i feel like i need to lose more weight and I want to..it makes me avoid alot of social outings b/c i know once i even have one drink it lowers my inhibitions regarding food later on etc..and it's hard not to drink..so I have just been basically avoiding alot of outings; it's the best thing for now.


I basically need every area reduced then---stomach, legs, back etc..i have been doing more cardio which helped alot and then i do some strenght stuff like arms.


Annoying that summer is here and I don't feel comfortable yet wearing blue jeans and a tank top without love handles showing and stomach.

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You are doing awesome! Keep up the good work you're almost there!


Have you tried taking long walks? It's basically the only exercise I get when it isn't kayak season & it maintains my weight really well! If I start gaining a few or indulge = just walk a few more miles the next day It's a great way to regulate without suffering too much


Also some relaxation could help to reduce the stress...like breathing exercises which can be done anywhere/any time


You should be proud of yourself!

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Reducing my carb. intake has helped me and more protein to stop me from feeling hungry.


I also do pump classes at least 3 times a week (gym membership handy to keep the cost down!) The lunges and squats have transformed my legs which I used to hate.

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Don't put life on hold until you reach your goal weight! Even if you don't feel comfortable in your favorite outfits that shouldn't stop you from going out. You still have other clothes you can wear. Losing weight in a sustainable way takes time and you don't want to be tempted to cut corners. Stay strong!

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Post a daily log of your diet here as well as your exercise habits. I think it's fantastic that you want to lose weight and that you have an end goal (lose 10 lbs and fit into your favorite jeans). This is extremely realistic and we're gonna get you there. Just need a little bit more info about your lifestyle habits and we can work from there.

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I think you're doing a great job! The closer you get to your goal weight, the harder it is to lose those last few pounds.


I don't see a reason not to go out. Limit it to 2-3 drinks, and go home earlier than you otherwise do. You won't go as crazy on the food as you would if you had more to drink & stayed out later. If you count it as your splurge night & only do it once every 2-3 weeks I don't think it would really set you back.

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Weight loss is more about diet then exercise. Eat a lot of high fiber foods (fruits and vegtables). The great thing about healthy foods is not only will you lose weight but they help you look good in other ways too.


edit* I'm not saying you shouldn't exercise. It will make you healthier and look better, but diet has been found to be more effective in general then exercise.

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thanks for the replies!! for me i feel like i have to avoid outings that are taking place at a bar or certain friends b/c i know there will be that temptation to drink..for some reason at times even ONE beer will just ruin my judgment when it comes to food..i become starving later and can't control myself. Bad I know--so i basically just stopped drinking and being at bars often..i went out a few weeks ago, that's about it. Not good either I know but i feel it's the only way right now unfortunately. I feel like i needed to give up something b/c i already love food and have a hard time not eating certain junk food etc. I still do but try to limit or I will make sure to work out.


It's frustrating to try on those jeans and not look good in them. I have been logging what exercises i do and writing down my weight when I weigh in. I look back at the flucuations that past few months. It's cool to see..now it's basically been between 172-174..its probably 174 now since I had pasta and in a few days it will go back down again..I would love to be 165 and then possibly 160.


I have also been eating every few hours most days to keep my metabolism going. I also use protein powder on days I work out hard or I have a little in the morning to get my metabolism going as well. I feel it's helped and also fulfills somewhat of a sweet tooth.

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Low carb was the only thing that has worked for me.


My doctor put me on a bread/rice/potato free diet and I got back down to fighting weight fast. People who haven't seen me in a while say I have lost 50 pounds when in reality it is closer to 30.


I cheat once a week and eat some pizza (thin crust only) or some cheesecake. And I have found all sorts of wonderful snacks to endulge in like almonds, fruits, cheeses, etc that are in line with what I can handle carb wise.

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