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She wants to meet me after 5 week break. How to handle it?


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She still has a load of my stuff and vice versa (some items are very large, such as a sofa bed). I asked her if she could collect it today as I already had it bagged up. She said that we could sort it out in a couple of months when she can get a van from work which I agreed with at the time.


I texted her tonight asking if we could do it next week, as it would be easier that way. She's agreed to this. Otherwise, I'd be just focussing on seeing her in two months time, hoping for a reconciliation which has next to no chance of happening.


I don't know why she would want to leave it two months?

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It's understandable that it seems like you can't face starting over with someone new right now. All you're seeing is the effort and pain from this recent ex. But when (not IF, but when) you meet someone in the future who knocks your socks off, it won't feel like work at all. You'll be excited and motivated and energized.


For now, you're doing all the right things to regroup and disentangle. Hang in there!

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Went to my cousins wedding yesterday and it was being held at a place where me and my ex spent a romantic weekend a few years ago. I was dreading it as it bought back a lot of memories. It felt like salt being poured into fresh open wounds.


During the ceremony and wedding vows, I was so happy for my cousin and her husband, but I was fighting back my own tears of pain and regret as this is what I wanted for me and my ex so much.


Being around friends and family (and a bit of alcohol!) got me through the rest of the day though. In the end I actually ended up having a good time, met some nice new people and I was grateful for the distraction.


Feel a bit low again today though. I hate mornings at the moment, they're always the most painful.

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hey Dennis, I feel the pain man believe me. I'm going through a similar thing as we speak. We'll go for a few days or even a week with barely any contact, then she'll show up out of the blue at 2am and want to spend the night, which is great at the time but then the pain just starts all over. I really don't know where we stand and it's ruining me. We've had the conversations you guys have been having but it usually doesn't last for us and it just starts all over. I'm sorry that there's nothing anyone can say to take the pain away, they'll say move on but deep down we don't want to. Don't feel bad, I don't know what to do or what's right either.

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I don't know why she would want to leave it two months?


You've got to stop looking for meaning in things when there is none. If it was me, I'd mail her stuff to her and request she do the same. Or at least have a friend pick up your stuff and be there when she picks up hers.


It's over, and all you'll do by meeting is prolong the agony. Accept that the relationship is dead and don't meet her again or you will go right back to square one in your recovery.

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