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at least for my emotions. Today I got really angry remembering the neglect, the mood swings, his 1/2 assed comparisons where he trivialized my life because he cannot stop himself from overcommitting in his. Affected my outlook...feel disappointed...that I'm allowing myself to sink back in these negative emotions. NO I did not break contact, but that I'm allowing myself to regress here is upsetting me. Two weeks he tried talking to me, said he guessed I didn't want to talk to him and that he missed me. I asked him (again) to leave me alone and wished him well and hoped that his life turned out the way he wanted soon.


Yet right now, I'm bitter and not feeling the whole positive disconnect that I was feeling. Now I am angry and bitter and it's not how I want to proceed. He's respecting my boundaries and staying away and it's almost as though I resent that he's doing so.


Meh. hopefully I get my head back on straight tomorrow.

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I understand. Anger is a natural stage of grieving. People cycle into it and out of it, often many times. You can use it to drill yourself into feeling lousy, but you can also use it to motivate yourself into making your life fabulous and proving him wrong.


Head high.

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