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anyone ever had to deal with eczema?

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I would really appriciate it if anyone can give me their insight on how they deal with it. School is starting soon and the eczema on my arms has been bad lately with all of the stress in my life. Last year, I just wore long sleeves pretty much all the time but if anyone has anything they do to help it be less noticeable or explain to people who stare a quick and easy explaination it would be greatly approiciated.




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Never heard of it, but my suggestion is seeing a dermatologist. I bet you probably have alread though. Some people are different than others, and that is why they stare. It is hard for people to respect other for who they are. I know how that feels. Kids are mean, and they just need to grow up at your age now, and be the best people they can be. Good luck.

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I used to have it when I was very very young (and sometimes get a mild case on my upper arms) but I do know people who have it quite bad even now in their 20's/30's.


There are various ointments that can help relief it, and protect your skin. Best thing to do, it try and reduce stress in your life (I have heard this does not help) and maybe also watch your diet (some foods can affect your immune response). If you have seen a dermatologist and nothing helps, try seeing a holistic provider, or a nutritionist, or taking up meditation/yoga - you never know, it COULD help!


If anyone asks about it, just tell them you have excema, and let them know about it. Some people stare as they just don't know what it is. Those that are mean, well you are better than them.


Take care!

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I kind of have something similar i guess but mines pretty mild now and noone ever notices. I sometimes get dry itchy skin on my head but when i use head and shoulders it disappears. Also the type of soap or body wash you use might make it flare up too. There is this type of soap specifically designed for people with dry skin like that. I forget what its called but they have it at walmart near the clearasil stuff. They have a generic kind called moisturizing cleanser or something.

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If you haven't already, see a dr. (preferably a dermatologist) and get a prescription. There are a lot of different medications you can try to keep you comfortable and get it to clear up. You can also try oatmeal baths to help with itching. I think Aveeno still makes packets of oatmeal bath powder you can buy over-the-counter at a drug store. Do not use hot water for the bath--lukewarm only because hot water will dry out your skin and irritate it.


Always make sure your skin is sufficiently moisturized. Anything that irritates your skin - being too dry, hot water, perfume, scented lotions, make-up, etc - is going to worsen the exczema. My dermatologist recommended Lubriderm (the hypo-allergenic, non-scented kind) for an OTC moisturizer...to save some money, I usually just buy the store brand knock-off of Lubriderm and it works just fine.


Don't use soap--use a non-soap cleanser like Cetaphil (again, I usually buy the store brand knock-off)


If there's a K-Mart near you their "American Fare" knock-offs of Cetaphil and Lubriderm are good and anywhere from $3-$5 cheaper than the brand names. Meijer's knock-offs are also pretty good.


The over the counter stuff is not going to make it go away, but it will help with the itching and may help some with appearance issues. If you want it to go away, you really need to go to a dr. and get a prescription.


You might also want to try some relaxation techniques so you're not so stressed out. As you already know stress can trigger an outbreak.


I had my first outbreak of exczema in my 20's...for the most part it's under control now...I only run into a problem if I don't keep up with the moisturizing or if it's really, really hot & humid and I'm outside for a long time.


best of luck to you,


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