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I don't know if this fits in this subject but I need advice

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So I am talking to this guy online and he is sooooo nice and we have a lot in common and he wants the same thing that I want. So that's cool. Let me just first say that I am not a shallow person because I have no right to be shallow because I am not perfect at all.....but I looked at his pic and he is not all that attractive to me. So my question is should I meet him still since I do like him and his personality and just see what happens and ignore the picture? Because the attraction may end up clicking in all categories after we meet and talk and chill for awhile? And also does that make me a shallow person and a hypocrite too?

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Everyone wants to jump on the "don't judge a book by it's cover" bandwagon (myself included), but the fact of the matter is if you don't find a person attaractive, it's going to be a problem sooner or later.


I'd say try meeting him anyway: some people look different in pictures: I usually look like someone beat me up. Can't hurt! If you meet him and still don't like him, you could break it to him easily and if he doesn't take it well, then you probably didn't want to be with a person like that anyway... right?

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Hi. I think that you should met him. Everyone diserves a chance. You just have to think ahead... Is his looks going to bother you when your around him? If so, Id think again (or ask him to send another picture)... And please...please watch out and go with someone else when your meeting him!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive talked to some awsome ppl online and ive had a G/F from hawaii and im in the Lower 48 states i never got to meet her i really didnt care what other ppl said she was just prbly teh coolest person i have ever met and to this day we still talk were not together but if some how we meet one day we already said we are gonna try it agian but if i were you i would give the guy a try personality is prbly the biggest factor in a relationship

and so what if hes nto all that attractive woudl u rather have a hot guy thats a whole love of ugly underneath ? Well i hope you follow my advice


Best Wishes and best of Luck



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