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I posted a thread last night about being upset over my boyfriend telling me about a dream he had about a threesome with my best friend. After reading yalls responses, and to be honest, just thinking a lot about it, I have realized that the reason I'm even upset over it is because of insecurities with myself.

Does anyone have any tips on how to gain confidence and raise self esteem?


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One major thing is to keep trying and never give up.


Second major thing is to be counter productive to your negative thoughts. E.g., a simple example, "I am shy, they can't get to really know me, I'm hard to open up, it's difficult." and flip it into, "I just need time to open up, and then they'll like me. If not, they don't matter, I won't see them again."

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Figure out who you are. Most people I know have not gotten this far, instead they are sheep who copy other people values and interests and are lost on their own. What do you like, what are your interests, what are your values, what is important to you? Once you discover this, you should feel not only comfortable, but good doing these things all by yourself and standing up for yourself when it feels like you're going against the crowd. Don't let other people tell you what to think or feel. You're not an island, so pay attention and learn from others, but know that you are the one in charge of your life and every apsect of it. You should be able to go a long stretch of time without a SO and be happy all the while because the happiness will come from within you. If you can accomplish this, you will stand out and people will be drawn to you. Understand and trust that you are the one that knows what is best for you.

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