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My girlfriend and I have known eachother for over a year but have only been going out for a couple weeks so far. We used to talk for hours, smile and laugh, go swimming, jogging, walk through the woods, and more. Before I left for a two week vacation she was sad I was leaving and it was hard to go and I felt good that she cared, but when I came back it seemed like she didn't really care. She had a field hockey camp and has practice everyday, has to take care of her two little brothers, and wake up early everyday, she gets tired I understand, but everytime I come over she is sleeping or if she is awake we sit on her porch swing and stay quiet, we don't talk like we used to, she says she is always sleepy and tired. I decided to let her rest for a couple days, now I dread coming over because of her mood, she was never this depressed. Now I am honestly afraid and don't know what to do, I don't want to loose her because I don't seem like I want to come over, and I want to spark our relationship but I don't want to do anything that will stress her even more. She just doesn't seem to care as much as she used to about me, I love her dearly, I could use any help thank you .

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hey Sniper!


There are several options.


You could do the up front thing and tell her what you feel. And, to avoid her mood, try to tend towards non accusing phrases. Use "I" instead of "you". like: "Since I have come back, _I_ feel that _I_ haven't been getting a lot of quality time with you. What do you think?"


Or you could take the spontaneous route to more spark. You can do anything fron taking her for a walk in the country side to paying for daycare for the boys and spending the day doing something she is interested in. Something out of the house. Show that you know her interests. Maybe secretly buy tickets to a sports game or go to the beach or a play or whatever. Just ask her to free up a day or two for some "us" time and surprise her. NOTE- Presents do not spark the relationship! They just show that you think material things can keep her!


Good Luck


swiss Chis

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