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Why is she acting different toward me?


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She had been open around me in the past, but she would still barely say anything to and/or take notice to me. She would show signs such as: looking at me more (mostly when I’m not looking at her and sometimes while giggling), mimicking me, asked her parents questions about me, talked about be me with friends and and family, showed occasional concern for me if she thinks I’m in trouble (ex. if I have a bad cough), her friends acted differently around me, sometimes she blushed around me, reacted when I would say "I love...", etc. She was also starting to smile at me more and her friends were encouraging her to talk to me.


The last time I saw her, she actually did become more talkative with me shortly after dinner started. We were able to have brief conversations. I still had a hard time keeping them going and . Shortly after this began, I heard her say to her friend on the computer: "I thought he was high" and soon after, how she thought something would end. The latter could have been them talking about their favorite show which was coming on later, but the former might have been about the way I had seemed more talkative myself. She was also mimicking me and did so throughout the night.


Her brother (who is a good friend of mine) and I went to get her and her mom to play a few card games. She was playing with her dog and when he brought a ball to me, she wanted me to throw it a short distance for him. Although, I was initially more open while playing the games (which is normal for me), this changed when we switched games. It was a trivia game that I never played before and I felt out of my element. I tried to regain composure, though I didn't know what to say or hesitated. When I did say something, it rarely got the reaction I expected. We briefly got back to the first game, but this didn't improve anything. However, she was really upbeat and into the games (especially the trivia). She was laughing real loudly, though mostly because of her mom.


Then her favorite show came on. I never really saw the show before, so I still barely said a word. Her parents occasionally glanced over at me like they expected to me do something. At that point though, I was starting to become very tired. It didn't help that a couple of times, she made comments to her parents about how good looking two of the actors are (she has done this before, but to a lesser extent). I was able to admit that I never saw the show and didn't understand most of it (it helped that her dad felt the same way). She seemed to understand, but it felt awkward to me and I started to trail off Then she went back to focusing on her dad. I briefly recovered when we were commenting on a noise we heard outside and she briefly focused on me. The last I saw of her that night, we were alone and I said "excuse me" to get by her. However, she barely said anything (then again, tiredness could've set in at that point).


She was initially shy and uneasy around me that day (which changed at dinner) and still looked at me discreetly. These looks became mostly passing glances as she started to open up. I couldn’t feel as much tension between us either, but she still had weird reactions when walking by me at times. I think that her mom told her about my family’s increasingly urgent medical issues. If she did, it was probably when they left for a bit. Moments before they left, I heard her say something like "he still hasn't done anything" to her mom in the other room. As they were leaving, I heard them commenting on how I only said "OK" to a question. I thought she would've found out about these issues sooner because they began to flare up a few weeks ago. Nevertheless, this might explain some changes. I was at their house the week these issues became severe. I wasn't in a good mood and came off as though I developed an attitude. At one point, I could even hear her crying a little. She seemed a little unsure before she left the house for the night. This could’ve affected the situation as well.

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