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Why is this guy SO pathetic?


Why does he still pamper/cling on/give the girl ego boosts - when the girl clearly doesn't hold any interest in him, but only keeps him as a friend because she likes the ego boosts + attention?


It's been nearly 2 years, why is he still trying? LOL


Does he enjoy saying "I love you" over and over again to someone who never says it back?


Why does he think that if he keeps trying for years and years, she'd eventually fall for him?


This emoticon looks like him - gets splattered in the face but he still smiles because he is that dumb LOL.



I could write a novel about his stupidity, but I think the above examples are telling enough.


Cheers guys.

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Poor guy.


And it's worth looking at what you get from relishing in this guy being "SO pathetic" because maybe THAT'S what's actually...pathetic.


I don't relish in this guy being pathetic.


I actually feel sorry for him.


But at the same time, I don't like him either.

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I don't know this kind of guy..never dated this kind of guy and it's hard for me to imagine someone like this exists.


Although, my MO is to date unavailable men who I wish had a few of these characteristics... without going in the extreme direction of neediness, of course. I wouldn't mind a guy fighting for me a little...If I liked him anyway.

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Who is this person? And if you don't like him, why are you wasting your time and brain cells posting about him? I'm sure you've got plenty of problems that relate to your own life, as well as problems that relate to people you actually like, so why even think about the problems of someone you clearly don't like?


I know your OP was meant to be just a rant, but teabee makes a good point...when people are frustrated about something and take the time to vent about it, it usually means they care for some reason. Are you sure you don't have feelings for this guy? Or maybe you feel like the wrong girls get all the attention from guys? I know when I was younger I used to feel that way...like every nasty, manipulative girl had all the guys' attention and I was always the "friend." Eventually I realized there was more to it than that though...the nasty, manipulative girls got the guys who deserved it because they had no backbone, but the guys with some self respect date nice girls. I'd rather date a guy with a backbone anyway.


Just sayin.

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Okay firstly I'm a male, and I'm straight.


This person is some random guy who has been trying to get with my ex.


Why am I wasting my time and brain cells? I thought he was pretty interesting.


Him as an individual is not significant. What is significant is that he represents a group of people who act in the same way. It’s people like him who provides through-the-roof egos for some people, but they’re the ones who are actually taken advantage of. And like you said, they don’t have self respect.

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I also thought you were female (sorry!) and I assumed you were the one this guy was contacting repeatedly.


Certainly not lol.


Is it time for me to change my avatar?


I'm actually in the picture. (If you can see right edge...) >_>"

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Okay firstly I'm a male, and I'm straight.


This person is some random guy who has been trying to get with my ex.


Why am I wasting my time and brain cells? I thought he was pretty interesting.


Him as an individual is not significant. What is significant is that he represents a group of people who act in the same way. It’s people like him who provides through-the-roof egos for some people, but they’re the ones who are actually taken advantage of. And like you said, they don’t have self respect.


Ahhhhh. Yes. This new info puts your OP in a new light...but to some extent, my musings/quasi-advice stay the same. As I alluded to in my initial post, in my younger days (high school and college) I despised the "types" of girls who I felt had the most success with men, the "popular" girls in the revealing clothing who seemed to enjoy nothing more than dating/manipulating men, clubbing and watching reality TV. Goodness, it drove me nuts, because I didn't want to be like "that" and I also didn't understand why "that" was what guys wanted anyway. Took me awhile to grow out of that mindset and realize there is always a gray area between black and white; (a) girls who come accross like "that" are not always as "dumb" or 1-D as they seem, and (b) I wouldn't want the guys who want the kinds of girls who really are that dumb and 1-D anyway (and the mature ones don't...many high school and college boys do, but for a certain reason.)


Anyway, not to get too far into my own psyche, but I wouldn't bother focusing on someone who has so little significance in your life. I mean, maaaaybe I could see a point (if I squint hard enough) to analyzing this person's demographic if he was the guy who you felt was "stealing" all the girls from you. But he's after your ex (frankly I could care less about a single ex of mine, let alone whichever bimbo may be chasing them.) And he's pathetic (going by what you've posted), so not really a "threat" to anything.


Forget him. Forget the ex. Neither of them sounds very interesting to me, nor worth analysis.

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I mean, maaaaybe I could see a point (if I squint hard enough) to analyzing this person's demographic if he was the guy who you felt was "stealing" all the girls from you. But he's after your ex (frankly I could care less about a single ex of mine, let alone whichever bimbo may be chasing them.) And he's pathetic (going by what you've posted), so not really a "threat" to anything.


Nope. He is the exact opposite of "getting all the chicks".


He has no one. Why? Because he's wasted years and years of time and effort and money on my ex, and that stubborn mindset of his thinks he should continue to give more time and effort and money on my ex.


It's amazing to see how he can't see she is a lost cause. If he has spent half that time and effort and money on another chick, he would score lol.


My ex once told me, "I will never like the guy and I will never have a relationship with him." But she's too smart to say that to him. Poor guy.


All that he has achieved is boosting my ex's ego through the bloody roof. (Which is a main reason why I wouldn't get back with her)

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