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I knew today would be...


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a bad day. Especially since I spent 20 minutes trying to get my face wash out my eye this morning.


Really though, I'm just about a month NC. My ex and I agreed that our futures aren't set in stone and although being in this position is where neither of us wanted to be, we thought it'd be better to back off now, before we can't stand each other and ruin our otherwise good and healthy relationship. We're at a stage where a lot of change happens. I haven't had a job so he's been financially responsible for the majority of our relationship, we'd had trouble expressing our concerns with each other because we care about the others feelings, and we're generally just overwhelmed with life outside our relationship. He asked for space, I'm respecting that request and we've agreed to revisit things when we're both more stable. A relationship shouldn't feel like an obligation after all.


Needless to say, this break up has been hard. I miss him every day but, I know that for anything to happen in our future changes need to be made and I must respect the way things have fallen. I suppose I've never been in a break up like this. Every one I've had has ended up with a "I don't love you anymore, please leave me alone. I am not looking back" Oh boy how they lied though They've all came back at some point..you're loss bro!


However, in this case, it's not for lack of love or desire, we're just genuinely not in the place to make things work. It's hard to speak to each other because we both cry and it's hard to be apart. I have faith things will work out like they're supposed to. It's only been a month, like I said.


Anyways, I just wanted to vent. I was feeling a little over emotional

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My best friend, who is also friends with my ex, has decided it would be a great idea to let me know my ex has added some cuties to Facebook. He's deleted me and it's been that way for a month now. I'm not particularly concerned given the fact that said girl is also friends with my ex's friends. My ex goes to grad school in Michigan and in about a week he'll be back home for his internship and the summer. Somehow, someone who took 4 months to kiss me moving on to a stranger 2 weeks before school ends and she lives in a different state seems unlikely.


Besides the point though,if it's true..it won't last long. If it's not then my friend needs to relax and stop telling me things about my ex.Yes I miss him, Yes we were supposed to get married but, at this point in time..anything he does just makes me angry. We'll be meeting up when he's back home to talk and exchange belongings. I don't need a reason to be angry with him,

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