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Last night my boyfriend now ex b/f came to my house, well first I herd some one banging on the door {thank god no one was home} I rushed to the door when I opened it he was standing there… and right then and there he collapsed on the floor.. {At this point I was freaking out} I brought him inside and he was bleeding!! And he had one eye slightly open and the other closed, he looked so cute he was a blue ish Wight color pal lips he was panting as he did he squeaked, I started to ask him questions I was crying and probably yelling I don't know. He was drunk he had been drinking all night {this was around 12:00 or 1:00} he told me he never wanted to see me again and he hates me. And he might be going to jail because he had position of drugs and he stole and crashed his uncle's car. He yelled at me witch obviously made me cry more, there was blood all over the floor. I went and call 911 … and they came with an ambulance and he got mad at e for calling.. Then he passed out and they took him away.. He had a breathing mask and every thing they asked me questions. Oh it was horrible. When they left I was so depressed that I went into the kitchen and drank so much rum, licker, alcohol, I couldn't talk, then I cut myself {I am not a cutter} I cried myself to sleep and today I've still been crying for about 4 hours. I feel sick my head hurts and I think I'm going to die. Omg my life is a living HELL!!

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Thats a pretty scary and traumatic experience to go through. Have you spoken to anyone else about what happened? Have you thought about seeing a counsellor?


I really don't know what else to say outside of maybe seeing someone. I hope that you feel better soon and hope everything works out. Sorry I couldn't be more help

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Getting smashed on the alcohol was not a very clever thing to do, when you are emotional and stressed keep well away from things like that, you need to relax and think about the situation from a sober and focused vantage.


Take a few deep breaths and try to relax, the experiance sounds horrible but you've survived it, and what you have survived can only make you stronger. Good luck.

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You did the right thing, especially if he was passing out, bleeding (after a car crash)...etc. Breakups are never easy but you are not responsible for his wellbeing, as he is not for yours. The only one you are responsible for is yourself.


Don't be too hard on yourself. Being in the care of medical personnel, you can be assured that he will be ok healthwise. You drinking was not probably the best thing to to, but remember that ALL of us makes mistakes including myself.

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i dont see any one because i was never this crazy when i didnt know him so no ones really noticed.... i dont know what came over me but i do drink since i've met him but every moment i cant stop thinking about him its driving me mad i would kill my self for him, i love him with a passtion and he broke my hart.. i was going to send him a pm but ya know what i forgot he was in the hospital. i hope he doesn't hate me and i just got word when he gets out of the hospital he is going to go to jail... i want to go see him before he goes do you think that would be a good idea well i know when i see him i will cry... i miss him so frikin much!!!!!!!

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I am so sorry to hear about this.Your ex boyfriend,those this may sound rude,was headed for something like this.I hope he is ok and i dont think it would be a good idea for you to seem him before he goes to jail.I am hoping you will NEVER cut again.Its a horrible thing that leaves nasty scars on your body.Plus when you strt you cant quit.You should also quit drinking.Maybe you could mention all this to your parents.



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  • 2 weeks later...

why do you think your parents would be mad at you? I could see them being shocked by the situation, but what reason would they have to blame you?


you've had an alchohol problem since you've met him? has he always been mean to you? it sounds like he has very strong feelings against you if he "never wants to see you again" this guy is nothing but trouble, even if you do love him. the only thing he will do is hurt you more, he will never change.


its your decision whether you want to see him or not, but from what you've told me, it doesnt sound like he respects you at all. I say let him be, he has alot of thinking to do, and if i were you i wouldnt talk to him till this blows over, or until hes out of jail. he is probably very emotional and frustrated, especially after being drunk the whole night.


by stealing a car, crashing it, dui, and possesion of drugs, hes going to have alot of problems to sort out. and he needs time to do so.



once again, I really think its in your best interest to stay away from this guy , good luck.

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dont base your life on this guy...in the long run, you helped him, maybe if he didnt go to the hospital he could have died.. if i were you id be dam proud. you did what you thought was right...alot wouldve been scared to do that you know? he took his problems out on you and had no right to, your better then that, you have to know that. i went through this same thing before and if you give it a chance, one day youll look back and laugh about how big a deal you made him. this is your life, you have friends family and so much to be happy about ...except him..big whoop-one person who wasnt even good anyway, you can do without that. if ya need anyone to talk to you can pm me anytime..just try to be happy


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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, my name is Robbie (obviously from my name), you guys probably do not recognize my name, this is my first post. I was searching online and ran accross this message, and I'm glad I did. I signed up just to tell you my advice...so if you can bear with me for a couple minutes, that would be great!


First, I'm so sorry this is happening to you, and I hope you the best. Do not let this stop your life...you are a miracle, everyone is. I don't know your beliefs, but you are meant to be here....and you should stay here. I know this situation is hard, and I'm sorry it has to happen to you. It will be okay, and you will overcome this and be happy!


Also, you did the right thing calling 911, I know it was scary, but you have all the reason the in the world to be proud. You could of saved his life. He should be thankful.


I think I need to tell you a little about my experience, so you can trust me a little more. I'm eighteen, but the last year has been my hardest. My girlfriend was a cutter, and I went through everything with her...I started dating her about in the middle of the cutting, so I know what recovering from this horrible addiction is like.


Trust me, you do not want to start down this path...it is not fun. The incident you descride is similar to the ones that make most people cutters. I've talked to many cutters and they all say the first time was in a fit of emotion, and they did not know what was happening. I'm sorry this is happening, but do not begin cutting. It might look great now and an escape to your problems, but it is not the right path. I have never cut, so I cannot comprehend the gratifaction it brings to you, but I can tell you that it causes many problems...ones you do not want. When cutting death is a major concern. Also, it hurts your family and friends, gives you scars, leads to more problems, and pervents you from really facing your problems. Worst off, cutting is an addiction, just like drugs. These problems outweight any benefits it might bring.


I do not know if you are going down this road, I just want to warn you, because not many people face this issue. If you are going down this road, find someone to talk to....a friend, pastor, or anyone else you feel comforitable with. Also, find something to do when you feel the urge to cut. Anything that keeps you from doing it. My girlfriend ran and wrote. I've also heard of people drawing on themselves, or rubbing ice cubes on them. There are many different ways, and many websites you can go to. Just google it. If you want anymore advice about why people cut, and how to address why you cut, post again and we will exchange e-mails...I've done a lot of studying in this area.


Sorry about that drawn out speech, I just do not want to see you go down this road.


Now about your boyfriend. It is your choice on what you want to do. I see no problem going and seeing him before he goes to jail. Now this is going to sound harsh.....move on...you do not deserve the pain he gives you. He is on a bad road, do not follow him, it will only lead to more pain. I do not know how much you love him, but you are young, and this might not be the relationship for you. Also, when he gets out, protect yourself...I don't know him, but just be careful.


Okay, last thing...alcohol. I'm not going to say anything here, because I have a strong bias against alcohol and I do not want to affect your decisions. Just, be careful.


I hope the best in all these things and I know they will turn out right.



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