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any one ever had an ex girlfriends mom get into the break up?

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im just wondering this. if im the only one who had the ex girlfriends mom get into the break up.been mean and what not. i never had this happen. my ex wants to be friends or whatever. im getting to the point where i can see her a friend. but it will be akward since her mom got real mean to me. told me i no longer exist to her. then my family and i deleted her of facebook. and my ex got mad. but what else was i suppose to do?i mean seriosly this lady was like a mother to me. i dont know if i can be friends with my ex because of this. i mean wouldnt it be akward?


a little about the break up. before this she freaked out on me. seriosly never seen any one act like she did. well my ex was abused as a kid. her mom did not know. i never seen any one freak out like my ex did. well i told her mom. then her mom told me that i was sick for telling her this. she told me if i thought i was going to get back with my ex back like this. i told hei no i just wanted her to get help.she told me of. i dont get why she was mad at me. when i was not the one who abused of her. her dad did. when she was a kid. and her dad also abused of my ex girlfriends mom. which is how she got pregnant with my ex.she was on the phone and said she did not fight hard enough for her daughter because she thought that her daughter my ex was better off. im not blaming her for this. but its unfair how she treated me. i mean i know there was times where i was mean to my ex. same way my ex was mean to me. by the way i did not contact my ex last. she contacted me.

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