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where are you now compared to when the relationship ended?

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How long ago was the break up. ~ BU was 2 years ago.

Looking to when it first happened how did you act? ~ The only mistake I made was being too available and holding on to false hope while she cemented her new RS with my replacement.

How do you act now? ~ We dont talk anymore.

How did you feel and how do you feel now? ~ How I felt then ~ Devastated. How I feel now ~ Calmer.


Life is moving on. Im not as happy as I was back then, but Im still grateful for what I do have.

Im looking forward to more time passing (not wishing my life away) but just to being even more healed

This too...^^^


Be Strong. Be Patient.

K2* 8)

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I hit the booze really hard, drunk for around a month. Escaped the reality and the pain but didnt help one bit in the end.


Got put on a plane to Australia by a concerned family and been here since (was in South Wales, UK studying at uni).


Two months ago I guess was the real breakup but prob bit before that seeing as she had met someone new a few weeks before that.


I went NC within 5 days which Im REALLY proud of and didnt know her number so no drunken texts.


Met a couple of girls in first couple of weeks but was *ahem* too drunk to really do much lol


Felt like my World had ended and had no care for myself and generally felt really sorry for myself. Felt alone and betrayed, decieved and used.


Feel waaaaaaaaaaaay better now. NC was the best thing I did. Havent drunk for a fair while and been working out, eating well. Deleted fbk and feel that im better without her as looking back the relationship was full of lies (on her side) and I was too blinded by love to take action and/or be a man and stand up for myself in the relationship. Really changed me as a person and didnt see it until now.


Getting myself back and enjoying life again!


I do still miss her and think of her often but only recently have I come to the conclusion that she changed and it wasnt my fault for what happened.


Im looking forward to more time passing (not wishing my life away) but just to being even more healed


ENA is awesome

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How long ago was the break up? Ended January 23rd, so almost 3 months....we were together 5 1/2 years.

When it first happened how did you act? I cried really hard and I couldn't sleep all night because of the numbness. Next morning it hurt even more and I couldn't eat for weeks. I lost so much weight and I'm already thin as it is. I did fine and I would burst out in tears randomly especially when I drank. I was in NC and it hurt so much. I began to stop crying after 3 weeks and then a couple weeks later I did meet someone. I'm still seeing the guy it's been 8 weeks. He's a great guy =)

How do you act now? Well before I met someone I accepted the break up and I was still sad. I met someone and then I was happy but still thought of my ex. Me and this guy are going SUPER slow. I thought I was over my ex, 2 months later my ex says he still wants me back and I said no. We talked yesterday and agreed although there are feelings the timing is all wrong and we're at different points of our lives. So I was confused but now I know what I want. I just want to live my life and be happy...try to not worry about the future. I was happy without my ex...I could still be happy with or without him...or any guy. LoL although it'd be more boring, I admit I honestly feel like I'll always care about my ex no matter what. He was a great guy..

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how long ago was the break up.

Its been about 7 months now. We have been together for 2 years.


looking to when it first happened how did you act?[

I was needy, desperate. I felt like puking, slid into depression, lost alot of weight. I was pathetic. I was hoping that she would come back knowing who she is and how she felt about me when we were together, I was certain that she would come back. I realized that she has changed and she is not the same person anymore which was the dagger and that what hurts the most.


how do you act now

Now I am more calm. I am still disappointed and sometimes those lonely/sad feelings do creep up but its more controlled. I still miss her but I have severed the strings of hope.


how did you feel and how do you feel now?

I feel better and have a more peace of mind. Even though I know I will be happier with my ex, I have found a way to keep me happy until I find someone new. There are times where I miss her and it sucks but right now my life is about to start and its only going to go up from here.

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Breakups truly define people. You either sink or swim with them. In my case, I've always used breakups to better myself.


How long ago was the break up. ~ Six months ago after a 2.5 year relationship.


Looking to when it first happened how did you act? ~ I was pretty much miserable for three months. I stopped iniating any contact with her around the month and a half mark. She would still contact me every week or so, but we haven't had any contact in three months. I still see her out from time to time, but we don't talk.


How do you act now? ~ I'm upbeat and happy. I have some down days, which is normal. I think about her at least once per day, but this breakup has transformed my life for the better and I've had so many new experiences that I wouldn't have had, had we stayed together. There's always a silver lining.


How did you feel and how do you feel now? I was a mess for three months, but I'm fine with things now. I realize that her and I needed this to happen. I'm cool with everything and realize that everyone has their own way of dealing with it.

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how long ago was the break up.

There wasn't an official break up as we weren't oficially dating. But, the relationship started to go sour in April of 2010.


looking to when it first happened how did you act?

I wrote her an angry email and explained my half of our time "talking" and told her that she ruined the friendship.

She came back a month later and hurt me again, I repeated the action (after trying to trust her again) and told her to get lost. She came back again.


how do you act now?

I try hard to suppress my feelings and emotions, but it just doesn't work and I find myself trying to still get answers, or trying to talk with her.


how did you feel and how do you feel now?

I cared for her very much. In fact I fell in love with the girl,. I wanted a real relationship with her. She seemed open to the idea, but never let it happen and ended up hurting me.

I still feel hurt now, and I'm taking actions to move on. I'm changing my phone numbers and telling her that we need to go NC.

She's not taking this very well, but then again not saying much either. She just told me that I'm crazy, bug out too much, and said things like "whatever".


It's apparent she doesn't care how I feel at all.


The moving on process will begin now.

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Break-up was about 6 months ago, NC for 2 months now.


When it first really hit me, it was awful. I couldn't eat, sleep, think or focus on anything but the old relationship. Everyday that went by that I didn't contact her was a success, but I'd cave in every 2-3 weeks. She'd basically drag me around as a backup while I was thinking the relationship was being fixed. It wasn't. I stopped contacting her/initiating after I found out she was getting with another guy the day before we hung out (she said sometimes she thought getting back together was a good idea that day).


Now? I've definitely become mentally and spiritually stronger about the situation. I've grown to see that she's not a bad person, she just didn't want to let me down at the snap of her fingers, she thought it wasn't right, either did I. But she didn't have to drag me around behind her for those months, pathetic. I still think about her from time to time, but it doesn't consume my thoughts anymore. Nights are bad sometimes though, I dream of her from time to time but who can control that?


Overall, I'm healing. Pushing my way through this and looking forward. I'm glad she ended it though before college comes around in the next months. I wouldn't want to go through this in college and end up killing my focus up there.

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How long ago was the break up. ~ 18th of December 2010


how did you act? ~ I was stunned and couldn't speak, the only thing I said was 'okay.' After a few days I realized that it was oblivious for her to dump me, I didn't want to admit I couldn't handle a large family and a serious relationship. I went for it a 1000% but she was done.

How do you act now? ~ I have my ups and downs, recently I'm doing okay with so now and then a rotten day or rotten moments.

How did you feel? I felt, down but I had to get started with more important things, I needed a place to stay in Holland, (we lived in Canada) I needed money for my trip back (I was broke) I needed to inform my Dad. In short I started already with building up my life as far as I could.


how do you feel now? I feel slightly okay, ofcource I miss them, specially I miss everything in the relationship we had. I miss her kids. Although we had argues and issues in our relationships, we had our good times aswell. we both had a good live again.

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