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Anybody tried astral travel??

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Believe me. I've tried it and done it many times, listening to music, without music, on acid, on mushrooms, stoned, sober, in class, out of class, at work, etc....


It's just like lucid dreaming. That's all.


In my opinion, you're much better off devoting your energy to your real life. That is what you have to go back to after you finish astral projecting, and what you wake up to in the morning.


It is better to live a life than to dream a dream.

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This is something I've been very interested in but, as yet, have never realised. I would second the above poster that you should tread with caution. I've heard of people attempting to do just this only to give themselves a sleep paralysis experience which greatly frightened them. It's a cool thing to try but be cautious.

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Well Philos, in my opinion the spirit is just as much a part of "life" as anything else, your job, your relationship...anything. It's not about living in a dream it's about actually living life to it's fullest, the material is not the be all and end all, it's just a part of a whole, mind, body and SPIRIT, it's the title of the forum is it not? I feel if you ignore one then you ignore a fundamental part of who you are. A spiritual outlook on life is probably the most empowering thing one can experience and by spiritual I do not necessarily mean religious...


To the OP, I do agree with jig here, as far as I am aware it's something that requires preparation, practice and probably a hell of a lot of discipline and commitment! If you want to see yourself as a soul then see it, you have the power to do that anytime, anywhere. Perhaps it's more about "knowing" yourself as a soul, if you know it's there why would you need to look for actual proof of it? It's a part of who you are. I don't know how open you are to things of this nature, I know these things are an attractive prospect in many ways but we can't run before we can walk, if any of that makes sense? lol

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I agree with you, even if its just for one time i want to experience astral travel..even if its just watching my "body" sleeping while im on the other side. I am a very spiritual person and I love reading about life after death and near death experiences. Its that time of my life where Im trying to find out life,the true meaning of my existence. Ive read many peoples experiences and its amazing what they can do in the astral realm. I know its gonna take alot of discipline and trial and error before it really works.

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Believe me. I've tried it and done it many times, listening to music, without music, on acid, on mushrooms, stoned, sober, in class, out of class, at work, etc....


It's just like lucid dreaming. That's all.


In my opinion, you're much better off devoting your energy to your real life. That is what you have to go back to after you finish astral projecting, and what you wake up to in the morning.


It is better to live a life than to dream a dream.


Lucid dreaming is different..have u seen your body while your spirit is floating? I have had lucid dreaming but i know thats just a dream.

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I want to try it but im a bit scared.. i know its a great experience and i would love to see myself as a soul instead of a body.. Please anybody thats tried it,give me insight into your first experience?


I've done it twice and they were very special experiences. One was not on purpose when one of my close friends died. I had no body and I was taken around the world. To the moon and then all of a sudden the universe zoomed in front of my eyes. It isn't that hard, but you need to definitely be able to be lucid first. You don't really see yourself as a soul, well I had no body but you are in your spiritual body. Usually you will feel like you are rolling or rising out of your body when it starts. You need to be very good at dream recognition and lucid dreaming to even attempt this. If you really want to do it get good at that and then know that it takes a lot of time. There are guides on the internet. If you've ever had sleep paralysis you have a good chance at achieving this.

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I've always been interested in this but have always been a bit leery that it's real. I'm also confused as to how to really get started properly. The few times I've tried, I ended up becoming so relaxed that I fell asleep.


Can someone post some links for good tutorials?

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