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Why is God putting me through such pain. I can't take it anymore. I am living in false hopes that she will come back. I am living with the fear that she is with someone else. I am living with the despair of her not wanting to be with me anymore. I can't stand the fact that she doesn't love me like she used to. I was so good to her. Nothing I ever did was right. Why does God do this to me. I am a good person. I go to church I help others. Why God Why?

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Why God Why?


God says you can make yourself happy by forgetting about this Girl and dating better girls. He didn't create Eve for nothing, you know!


How many of them are out there now?About 20 billion? A lot more than one man can handle that is for sure.

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I'm sorry to be harsh, but you can't blame "god" for how things work. I'm not going to go into athieism, but you have to take controll.


Stop thinking about it and move on, no matter how hard it is. Alot of it is self discipline. Just think this, all you need is yourself. Other people are just helping you along the way.

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Not everything God does is easily understandable, and that's not our job to try and second guess Him. Just keep on being a good person, and realize that what today looks like a disaster is most likely a huge blessing in disguise. Either you will understand better why she left, and know how to make things right (were you perhaps needing her too much? Did she become more important to you than was warranted?), or you will grow stronger from the experience and find your truest soulmate.


Always ask yourself how you can take everything that happens and make it into something way better.


Good stuff is coming, give it directions how to find you.

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Hey, hey, hey, let's not fault the person or whatever he/she/it may be above. If you are a good person realize that some sexy lady out there is going to see that, as long as you continue to do good, and she is going to love you more than this other person could even imagine.

So, don't dispair if something is not right then there must be something you have over looked as the way to go girl, hobby, school, something.

Open your eyes a little find something that makes you forget her and gives you some fullfillment.

Perhaps your buddies would like to see the old you back, who knows.

Take care and don't stop being good guy no matter what we need more of you trust me.

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If it is indeed god behind this, then who are you to question him? If it is indeed god behind this he will have his reasons which you cannot perceive, seeing as you are, just like all the rest of us, human. So if he has got a higher plan, we are inherently too limited too understand...


However, seeing as I like to believe in freedom of choice and everyone being a free individual rather than caught up in a destiny which you can neither influence nor determine, I would reformulate the question...


Why is life doing this to me? And we all have asked that one before. And so far I only got one good answer. Because life sometimes just is a piece of sh*t and things do change. Not satisfying, unfortunately, but good.


Think of it that way: To know the pleasure you must know the pain. (Steve Vai)


How can you know how good something is, how can you appreciate something without having ever had the pain living without it? I know it feels awful and right now nothing makes sense. But things will get better. (And that from a pessemist like me...)


Just one thought in the end...I mean, if there is such a thing as god, in whatever way...he has to keep together a whole universe, has to take care of six billion people on the planet who all have problems in one or another way. So why should he bother whith messing up your life? There is six billion others out there who have the same right to have their life messed up... (Sorry if I sound sarcastic, not really intended.)


Apart from that: All that does not kill you will only make you stronger. So pull through, don´t stop believing, you will make it and things really will get better. I know how awful things feel, as only recently I have been there myself. But do not give up. I just don´t want to believe that god should really only be up to mess up my life...or yours...or anyone else´s...hopefully.

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That's true, if we don't know pain we'll never get real pleasure.

That's the idea I'm using now to get over my ex gf, if she wouldn't have dumped me, Maybe later in time I would feel kind of empty because of the lack of the feeling of really earning her and I would have been the dumper which sucks. also, about the good boys Nietzche wrote: "I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

So let's stop being the good ones and let's get strenght from our experiences.

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Hey there, just to let you know, I feel the exact same way and I am in the exact same situation. It is hard as hell to keep going everyday. I dont know if you like animals, but I have dog that helps me keep going and gives me a reason to get up everyday. I also started going to the gym a lot, and those natural endorphines really do help. Plus I can tell you are not only hurt but angry (at God like I am). Going to the gym gives you adversity right in front of you. You do a set and your frustration will come out as strength. I feel for you man, and if you ever need to talk, PM me and we can chat.




BTW, someone on this site has a Churchill tag, like the one I use, but it is better. It says, "When you are going through Hell, keep going."

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I have tried many times to get answers about why I have felt heartbreak, why my ex has found another girl, etc. It wasn't until I asked my Christian friends that I found peace as corny as it sounds. I believe everything happens for a reason. If I didn't believe this, I dont think I would be able to get through anything. Like many have said, in this forum, God's plan is hard for us to understand . But he does have a special plan for us.


During my relationship with my ex, I prayed many times wondering whether or not "he was the one." Even though I have felt the worst pain in my life, this may be God's answer to me. It's probably just the answer that I didn't want to hear. Everything does happen for a reason. We need to be patient. God does take care of us.

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