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Girls: body or face


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Most times I try to avoid men with a 'model body', because 9 times out of 10 in my experience they have a really crappy personality and think women are nothing more than sex objects.


That's funny. I've always found the opposite - that a guy with a great body is generally more secure in himself and thus more open to love and kindness. Just my own experience, though, and the reality is probably that there's no clear relationship between personality and body type.

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Face, by far. As long as the guy isn't fat, I don't really care about the body. But I'm going to be talking to his face most of the time, not body. First thing I notice in a guy is their eyes, and then their nose, then mouth/teeth.


Half my female friends like guys with muscular bodies over skinny ones. I prefer skinny, toned ones. And if I had to choose, I'd prefer bony/skinny over muscular to be honest, but a good face & bleh body >>>>>>>>>>> good body & bleh face.

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I guess you have met some decent guys with nice bodies amberella or I'm living in the wrong place lol! I've just noticed the men that I've gotten to know with nice bodies turned out to be flakes maybe I just have bad luck. But I guess it doesn't really matter because as long as I'm attracted to them, even remotely I can deal. I've tried the whole dating a man because of his personality over looks department and I can't do it, I just wasn't attracted to their face even if the rest was great.

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built bodies work fine on building immediate attraction, but a good looking face works better on the long run (and that includes facial expressions as well - met an incredibly beautiful guy once who only used half of his mouth to speak - later I found out it was due to botox o.O)

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Hey girls..quick question. Does a better body trump a non attractive face? I'm going to the gym with a trainer and really bulk up. Is it worth it? I want to be more attractive.


It is absolutely worth it, Dougie!!!!!!!!!!!!! Forget about girls for a minute and focus on what it will do for YOU. This will change your life in a huge way.

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To me the face is much more important. I guess I have the idea that the body is a lot more malleable, as in your can lose weight or get in shape or change aspects of your body more easily than you can with your face, discounting surgery obviously.


I actually have found several slightly chubby or larger men very attractive due to their face or personality.

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Face. I work in the fitness industry and I know how easily bodies can be changed, molded, folded and manipulated! A face however you cannot change!


edit: Although I say face, I definitely have to be attracted to body aswell- and I've never dated anyone who didn't own a gym membership. You don't have to be rock-hard, but some nice arm, chest, shoulder definition is a winner- always.

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Just adding to this: I hate big muscled men. I dunno. I just don't find it attractive at all. I guess it all depends on taste. Some men like their women petite, some like them curvy. It's just human nature. For us females is the same thing, I guess. xD

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Just adding to this: I hate big muscled men. I dunno. I just don't find it attractive at all. I guess it all depends on taste. Some men like their women petite, some like them curvy. It's just human nature. For us females is the same thing, I guess. xD


But there's a difference between 'big muscled men' and your average Joe Gymgoer. Most guys can barely pack on 5kg of muscle in a YEAR. However, being toned is really attractive and healthy in either sex.

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This is how I see it....


Nice looks/Nice body= attract for the short term


Great Personality/Confidence= attract many and keeps a relationship in the long term

We (those considered unattractive to ourselves and the opposite sex) hear this all the time, but it's can be misleading. Our next question would always be "How attractive does he have to be in your eyes?" And I rarely see the person with the Nice looks/Nice body who attract the girl I try to get have bad personalities. Maybe I'm just unlucky that way.


Obvious answer is personality, but it would leave us to believe that you can be butt ugly or simply not be attractive when 99% of the time that's not the case. Personality + attraction.


To the OP, I'm a guy and have had confirmation that my face is not attractive, so I worked out. It will make you more attractive and it can definitely make you more confident most of the time. You can make a shirt or outfit look 10 times better with a better body. Now it's up to the object of your affection to see it.

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Just adding to this: I hate big muscled men. I dunno. I just don't find it attractive at all. I guess it all depends on taste. Some men like their women petite, some like them curvy. It's just human nature. For us females is the same thing, I guess. xD


Same, but one of my friends LOVES big, muscled men who look like football players and she doesn't care about the face as much. Most of my friends care more about face, though, and I definitely think having a good looking face is far more important than having a good looking body. After all, we don't live in a nudist colony.

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I am a guy but who is more attractive Brad Pitt or Arnold Schwarzenegger??? .I think most people would agree Brad is eons more attractive than the obviously well built Arnold .


I've never really been a fan of either, but Arnold isn't even remotely attractive to me, whereas I can see why girls like Brad Pitt.


IMO, Christian Bale is much better looking than both.

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Thanks for all the posts! I was pretty sure that the face was going to be the favorite. I'll be honest...I want the better the body because I would like for girls to think I'm cute. I have never had anyone tell me attractive. If a girl says "I love your body" then I would at least feel better. It's going to be hard but I'm 30 years old. I'm not going to look any younger.

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