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Need you guys to pick at this for me please :)


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My ex said to a friend of mine(she doesn't know I know her) that she loves me...as a friend and right after she says I'm in love with my rebound, she deliberately mentioned friend as if she was trying to justify she has no feelings for me and is trying to prove to herself that she loves him.


I could possibly be over-thinking this idk

What do you guys think?

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Well my friend and her are friends(new friendship) and they were talking about exs I guess. So she asked her does she miss and love her last ex and she said "I miss and love him as a friend, I'm in love with(rebound)" but we aren't friends, I've actually been NC for 12 days as of today and told her don't contact me until her life is straight.


And no she doesn't know we know each other.

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Your definitely overthinking this.


She just said she loves you like a friend, but is in love with another man. There is no underlying hidden message. Regardless of who she said it to. She has no reason to lie or hide her feelings because she doesn't know that you and the girl she is talking to are friends.


Stay NC, she has someone new in the picture and they are in the honeymoon phase by the sounds of it, so you won't get anywhere. Go NC for a couple months, don't talk to her, dont talk about her, ect. Vanish, become a mystery. Chances are after her and the rebound guy are done dating she will test the water with you and if she doesn't then you will find someone better

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Yeah the problem I'm having is that I know she is stubborn and she hides her feelings so it's hard to tell if she will ever contact me.

Of course she has feelings for me it's that she is hiding them. I am just trying to get some reassurance, I am not gonna break NC until either she contacts me or maybe after she is single again.

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She may not ever contact you, but if she doesn't wouldn't that say all you need to know? She didn't value what you had enough to even contact you again. You can't control if she will talk to you, or come back to you, and you definitely can't control her feelings.


Reassurance of what? That she wants to be with you? that she is secretly still madly in love with you while shes with someone else? I'm sure she does have feelings for you, you were her boyfriend. However at this point in time they are not romantic feelings. Maybe down the road when she is single she will start to think about you again, and those feelings could turn romantic again. But at the moment she is probably wrapped up in her new man.


Stop worrying so much and trust in the bond you two shared, if its strong enough you will definitely be back together someday and if not then you deserve better.

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Stop worrying so much and trust in the bond you two shared, if its strong enough you will definitely be back together someday and if not then you deserve better.


I can understand the generic sentiment in this, but it should be noted that the OP cheated on her - which he has been brushing off while projecting how she's supposed to feel. Jondwnr, you can start as many new threads as you like in an attempt to get different answers (as in - what you want to hear instead of what you need to hear), but you're not going to start moving forward until you accept what everyone has been trying to tell you.

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