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[B]Just wondering how to earn your ex girlfriends trust back after cheatin??[/B]


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Yeah I know about that, I wasn't even trying to cheat it just happened If I could take back that day I bet we would still be together.


lol, just happened. Did you have your hands tied behind your back and sexually assaulted? Doubt it.


Apologize, give her some space to think, then apologize again.

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Your damn right I did, and I f*cked up my life cause of it and I can honestly say I changed for the better. I guess she was blinded by the fact I cheated to notice the next month and a half of our relationship


Don't act like the victim. Accept responsibility. You still dated after she found out you cheated? How did you change?

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Yeah ive accepted it I promise you that. Well we broke up the weekend before v-day i was pathetic on trying to get her back and ive been NC for 10 days now. a week after week broke up she was with her BFF and they are in love and engaged now * * * right?

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What I mean by just happen was it wasn't planned! We got to talking then bam!! Totally regret that day entirely. I wish it was that easy cause it was it was her foster sister at her house, a week before Christmas last year.

You're making excuses for you bad judgment. It doesn't sound like you learned anything if you can't confess to it without excuses.


You crossed a serious line by cheating, but you crossed an even more serious line since it was her family. If you talk to her, don't even ask her to forgive you or to trust you again, you have no right to ask that. You can only apologize.

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I get that cheating if like cursing out god to most people but, people make mistakes and aren't people suppost to work through these problems? Instead ignoring them(which basically we did, she doesn't like talking about stuff like that) that night was basically the only night we discussed it.

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Not at all. It's my opinion that any person with a fair amount of self respect would not stay with a person who disrespected them by having sex with someone else while in a committed relationship with them.


Yep, It's one thing to have communication problems. It's another thing to disrespect them to the utmost degree. If a girl ever cheated on me, that'd be it.

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It wasnt sex it was a makeout still bad but, It could of been worse. Like you said earlier there is no justification or excuse that should be used. To be quite honest if my girl madeout with a guy I would talk through it and take her back. I don't know if i would if sex was involved.

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That is true everyone is different. Hopefully time will heal all wounds and if the future calls for reconciliation then so be it. I still think I have a sort of control/power over her where she can't say no to me(in person) because she does still care/love me but, I can't ever see her.

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That is true everyone is different. Hopefully time will heal all wounds and if the future calls for reconciliation then so be it. I still think I have a sort of control/power over her where she can't say no to me(in person) because she does still care/love me but, I can't ever see her.

If you have control over her then why is she with someone else?


Don't delude yourself.


And even if she stills loves you, don't abuse it, one abuse of it is enough, if you use it as a tool to bring her back and she isn't healed, your next break up will be due to resentment and anger still harbored from this break up.

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