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Life is soooo cruel

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Oh my ex's birthday was over the weekend, I know how you feel. I feel like my healing is almost going backwards, it's about to be a year and it feels like it's harder than easier. I'm hoping that me taking myself totally off FB and now that his birthday has passed there are no more major events that I would have memories of us together. The only one event I hate that I have pictures of us together are ones I really can't delete and those are the pics of him and I at my sister's wedding.. gah!

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Good news Pir! And Steve, you hang in there buddy! I've been sending well wishes, and thinking of you today!!


Thanks Mel, it wasn't easy, she became friends with 2 guys she dated on the dating website, and sometimes they text message her. It happened this week end. But she clearly told them that she is back with me.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 6 months later...

Hey guys how you all doing, Yes i am back, guess why i am back? Yup she broke up again! for the 3rd time! This time it's for good, i had enough of her games. Wants to remain friends and is leaving the apartment on friday. Shouldi stay friends and get a new girlfriend and get her jealous or just cut all contact for good...

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Step off the merry-go-round. And really, would you treat a friend this way? Close it up!


good advice thanks. That's what i told her, why stay friends if i cannot even trust you in a relationship. Lies, broken promises, irresponsible, not doing her part while living together. All i wanted was her to do her part and she could not do it.

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