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How do dumpers feel ???


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Some times it's the most painful break up you've experienced. Some times it's a huge relief. Depends on the relationship.


I dont personally know anyone who can just turn love off. It's takes time to build, and it takes time to forget. Once you love someone, I dont think you ever stop...it just gets less and less over time.

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How do dumpers feel about the ones they broke up with? Do they miss, love or thing about the dumpee?How does no contact make them feel?


Any dumper who was with their SO for a significant amount of time is going to miss and think about the dumpee.. They would have to be a sociopath to forget about them so quickly. I think No Contact makes them feel dumped in return! And it forces them to miss what they lost and wonder if they made the right choice.

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  • 11 months later...

When I finished me ex ex nearly 4 years ago, I felt great I had servere GIGS until the other person I was with turned out to be awful I crawled back to my ex about 2 months later. However 9 months after he put his hands on me ans that was it. I ended it forever, and I didnt feel anything tbh.

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Trying to dig deeper into the dumpers' perspective simply puts your own mental health at risk. Whatever happened between you and an ex, there's a reason behind it. The past is literally just that - the past. So you try to figure things out that happened in the past but are no longer important in today's present world. You're looking at stories, scenarios and things that had happened in the past and are having an emotional reaction to them. Over-analyzing seems to be one of the largest contributing problems to post break-up mental anguish.


Don't attempt to "sort out" your exes emotions, they're most likely having trouble doing that by themselves. It seems useless to go over past events in your head and actually REACT to them as if they were happening right this second. Our mind's can't tell the difference between our imagination and reality, so our emotions will actually react to things that happened months ago and have absolutely no significance. I say that you just ignore anything that's happened in the past and stop worrying about the future.


Live in the now, not the then.

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i hated breaking up with my ex. I didnt want to do it, but he gave me no choice. I wasnt going to wait around for him to make up his mind about me. So i cut it off. But i still wanted to talk to him after, but he didnt want me to. I miss him so much and think about him everyday

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When I spoke with my ex last week just to square it all away, she just appeared to miss not being able to tell me certain things about our mutual friends. At least that's all she let on. There were quite a few tears, so maybe there's more to it. Doesn't really matter how much more is to it though as she's still with this other guy so obviously not that unhappy.

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I think it depends on the dumper and the nature of the relationship. I was the dumper twice and went back to one ex after about a year because I could not get him out of my mind. I dumped him because he cheated on me. With the second person, I would have been considered the dumper, and it took about four years for me to get over him. I am now the dumpee, and I am still sad after six months.


I am a very romantic idealist and am into being in a committed relationship, so I attach in a big way. It seems that some people, like my recent ex, can easily toss others aside as soon as they feel they have reached a point where it is not working for them anymore, but I cannot do that.

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