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I suffer from health anxiety/panic, anobody else?

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Im 24 years old,female and about 7 years ago a tv( the old tv box type) fell onto my head and i pushed it away with my hand.... ever since then i have been having problems. Health,mental,personality and most of all anxiety problems. Doctors dont understand anything around here. I dont even have money to go see a specialist. I have weakness on my right side of my body,most of the time my head feels blank as if theres nothing in there.


Anxiety has been ruining my life, as soon as I feel something different or think something is wrong with me i become panicky, worried, scared, alone and shaky. Like 2 years ago my head felt numb,my left ear was blocked for an entire 3 months, my feet and hands were getting numb and I ended up in hospital because I thought I had a brain tumor. I really thought i was going to suffer and die. Went for a mri scan in hospital, it came out clear..no tumor. An ent specialist checked my ear and said its fine,he said it could be sinus but he couldnt see a blockage. Finally the anxiety faded away and 5 months later I fel fine,normal and my ear was clear.


Now.. eye problems..nothing is worse than this. Sight is very important in my life because I love to read,write, draw and watch the moon and stars. Recently its become blurry and ill have to rub it for it to become clear. I see halos around lights, starbursts..especially at night my eyes are werid. I pray everyday to God that i dont lose my eyesight and for him to heal me. Im scared about this and I would rather die then end up blind. Ive also been seeing lights flickering like they will go on and off for a split second...I noticed it only when theres a light on. It scares me like hell..and I become freaked out and get a running tummy. I have to visit an eye doctor in 2 weeks and im scared to get my eyes dilated..scared of what the doctor may find. Im anxious and i try to be positive but things have changed for me.....


I dont know how to deal with thin,its one thing after the next...

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I'm not a medical doctor so please take what I say with a healthy grain of salt, but I'm betting that all of your symptoms stem from a general anxiety disorder. Everything you list is a common physical symptom of severe anxiety--dizziness, stars, numbness, tingling, constant dread and worry over your health, etc.


Often the tendency is to assume that you anxiety comes from the physical symptoms (eg, "I am feeling anxious because I see halos and stars") when the reality is that the anxiety is causing the symptoms.


I would review link removed to get a sense of the wide spectrum of physical symptoms which can be caused by anxiety.


As someone who has suffered through this myself, I would highly recommend seeing a doctor. My symptoms all but went away 1-2 months after going on anti-depressants specifically for generalized anxiety.

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Im 24 years old,female and about 7 years ago a tv( the old tv box type) fell onto my head and i pushed it away with my hand.... ever since then i have been having problems. Health,mental,personality and most of all anxiety problems. Doctors dont understand anything around here. I dont even have money to go see a specialist. I have weakness on my right side of my body,most of the time my head feels blank as if theres nothing in there.


You need to see a neurologist, ASAP. If you are not able to afford it you may be able to find one that will bill you based on a sliding scale. Where are you located?

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I agree with Fathom - your anxiety/panic disorder is causing you to become a massive hypochondriac.


Get treated for the A/P.


I agree. While I do think that double-checking with a neurologist is a good idea, it's likely that her hypochrondria is isolating that one event two years ago and obsessing over it. When I went through a similar period I convinced myself that a case of gout I had in my foot was slowly spreading accross my body. You completely lose control of thought processes when you are that deep in anxiety.

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I agree. While I do think that double-checking with a neurologist is a good idea, it's likely that her hypochrondria is isolating that one event two years ago and obsessing over it. When I went through a similar period I convinced myself that a case of gout I had in my foot was slowly spreading accross my body. You completely lose control of thought processes when you are that deep in anxiety.


You could be right,i do tend to overlook things,symptoms..always feel like Im going to die..but suffer. I cant seem to control this anxiety..it comes and takes over my mind and body. The only time I feel at ease is when im alseep. I look fairly normal ,i just get angry quick and do tend to forget things easily. So i love to read,it helps me...

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