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I am new here and I hope you all can give me advice...


My boyfriend and I ended our relationship two weeks ago because he said that we needed to make things right and it has to end since we were so caught up with all our past issues and moving on is the only way for the both us to move on. We're together for three years and we have been through a lot, I mean a lot. Rollercoaster ride a lot.


He told me that he won't forget me and he still wants me in his life, even if just friends. He also said that maybe our relationship was at the wrong time and wrong place and he's not closing any doors for the possibility of getting back together again. We just have to try to separate and see where life will take us. We just have to avoid expecting anything from each other to avoid getting hurt.


He admitted that he loves me and cares for me a lot. He only wanted to make things right.


What should I do? be friends? Hold on? don't look back and move on?

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I'd skip trying to play friendzies unless and until I'm over him. I'd move forward and seek ways to invest in building a life I can be proud of on my own. If ex ever decides to catch up with me, he'll have no problem making sure I'm the first to know it. From there, I'll be positioned in a stronger and better frame of mind to decide whether I'd be interested in trying to make things work with him.


Time and distance are magic. When you stay clamped down on 'the problem', everything stagnates unless you manipulate--which usually just makes things worse. When you can step away and move your focus away from 'the problem' you allow yourself to be shown whether or not it can resolve itself. Meanwhile, you've made your world bigger instead of smaller.


Head high.

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