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1300 txts in7 days


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i dont kitten lol but last week been very busy. im out of my depth due to her being only 20 and me being 30 lol so 10 year is alot . She's a very nice girl but i dont want t get to far ahead of myself friends is cool for now

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1400 texts????? Sorry... the geek in me needs to do the math...


1400 texts over a 7 day period = 200 texts per day. Assuming you sleep 8 hours a day, that's 12.5 texts per hour. That's one text every 5 minutes in ALL your waking hours!


Holy text, Batman!


I'd seriously cut down on the texts and try to live a normal life. At least until you actually meet.


**This post stressed me out. LOL! **

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Well as long as you are playing it cool. Its only been a week. She may be texting because she is shy or it may be that she is somewhere where she can't talk (e.g. living with her husband). It may also be because she is trying to keep distance between you two for one reason or another

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