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what should i do when i like my best friends girlfriend?


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2 months ago my friend started dating this girl and i fell for her upon my first time meeting her. i dont know what to do cuz im the type of person that when i get attached to someone it takes me a long to to let go so its not like i can just get over her and move on. she knows i like her and shes ok with it like she hugs me all the time and snuggles with me and my friend is pretty okay with that as long as we dont do much more. but what really makes me mad is that with him its all about sex, but i actually care about this girl. i listen to her problems and help her as much as i can and i feel like if they werent dating i could easily get her to go out with me, but if they dont break up soon then ill be stuck in the friend zone and it wouldnt work out. i mean hes my best friend so im not gonna deliberately break them up or anything. but im just stuck here and idk what to do

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if she wanted to be with you she would. do nothing but be a good friend, it would speak volumes to your character. being a good friend is more valuable to yourself and your future, than falling for romance/lust that maynot have any longterm value. self-pride and self-esteem for doing the right thing will long outway any benifits of a 'possible' relationship.

if it is meant to be with her, it will happen without having to loose a friend in the process.

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If that was really your boy like you say, there would be no question about your loyalty to him and his girl would be off limits, no matter how beautiful she is. I'm detecting some jealousy from you, like you might be contemplating a move that not only will cost you the girl but most importantly the friendship with your homie. Second of all, I'm not too fond of this girlfriend chic and her being comfortable snuggling up with you while she's already dating your best friend. What's up with that? You're friend is cool with that? She's cool with you liking her the way you do? Something stinks here.

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If that was really your boy like you say, there would be no question about your loyalty to him and his girl would be off limits, no matter how beautiful she is. I'm detecting some jealousy from you, like you might be contemplating a move that not only will cost you the girl but most importantly the friendship with your homie. Second of all, I'm not too fond of this girlfriend chic and her being comfortable snuggling up with you while she's already dating your best friend. What's up with that? You're friend is cool with that? She's cool with you liking her the way you do? Something stinks here.


I agree. If this chic knows you like her she shouldn't doing those things with you. Also I want to emphasize the man rules...

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This chick just wants all the attention she can get, huh? That's all you are to her - attention. A girl who's really invested in having a relationship doesn't have a sex-only-bf and snuggles up with his best friend that she knows has a thing for her. Sounds like every girl I went to high school with to be honest.


Oh, and if this guy is really your best friend you'd keep your eyes and hands to yourself. She's with him because she wants to be with him. I mean, it's a great deal for her - she gets sex and attention from two guys without cheating.

There's gotta be better material out there cmon man.

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