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is this offensive?


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I was making small talk with someone at the cafeteria, and the person asked me what I was doing this weekend, which I answered. But when I asked her the same question, she said that she wasn't doing anything because it was going to rain this weekend. Then I added, "Oh so you're not even going to go on a hot date??"


She looked like she was embarrassed and just smiled and quickly ended the conversation and walked away. I wondered what was so negative about the "hot date" question?? I was really only kidding, and it's a line I use on everyone to make them laugh...


would anyone here feel offended by that?

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yeah maybe she just had a break up and this is the first weekend she is going to be spending alone and that question just reminded her how lonely and pathetic her life is going to be and now because of you she is going to go home this weekend and sit in her gloomy apartment, depressed, lonely and sad... on the brink of suicide.




seriously, i think you are reading too much into it.. shrug your shoulders and move on.

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