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Life in the Driver's Seat


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Today my boss spoke to me about another co worker who felt I was “ interfering “ with one of her kids in her room. 🧐 I felt I was showing normal concern as a caregiver of kids. Whatever. I told my boss I would just avoid them. I don’t work with this person on any regular basis and the child not at all. Easily solved. But still hurts my feelings, I meant nothing by it.

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I just feel really let down by my work place I REALLY DO. They won’t pay us more money but they create jobs for people and create jobs never existed and don’t need to exist . And then pay them twice what they pay me . I think I’m just going to stop doing the 150% that I do . Because it doesn’t matter how much you knock yourself out no one appreciates it or gives a shyte.

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I even had a dream last night about betrayal a really bad betrayal. But it was not about the person in the dream just the situation yesterday .


My boss said yesterday I noticed you were distracted and very quiet . Don’t let what she said affect you . Easier said than done when I feel I go above and beyond to be kind and respectful and happy with everyone . To then have it slammed in my face . I become extremely quiet when I am processing very strong emotion .

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I saw my dad today . He must’ve been on his meds because he was pretty normal . He said he had another stroke again two weeks ago . And he only tried to bait me once . Basically he said I’ve become more and more rabid atheist . And I said why is that ? And he said because I don’t want to give up my right to having a mind of reason. And I said well neither do I and gave him a wink . Lol. And then he kind of left it alone because I didn’t fall for the bait. Other than that I had a pretty good time with him .


I saw my mom and my stepdad and had a great time .


I saw my in-laws and was pretty uncomfortable because my sister-in-law insists on being a bossy boots and fights with her mom constantly .

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Today has been a banner day and it’s not even Noon. We had a special needs child destroy a classroom and break some stuff in it . I broke up a road rage incident in a Walmart parking lot .


Seriously people? What the frigg. Two grown ass men have to fight over a parking space in the Wally parking lot ??? There are 5000 parking spaces pick one . Both their wives walked away and left . By the time I was done they were like yes ma’am sorry ma’am . Idiots. Seriously. There were small children in the parking lot watching you act like a jerk and cursing and swearing and threatening to beat each other .

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Same kind of crap yesterday and today out of the kids . One more morning in that room and I’m out never to return. I don’t care how desperate they are they can close the program for all I care . Tomorrow at four I am on holidays!!!!!


Today I gave out the Catholic Women’s League award at the local public high school .

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I am on holidays now!!!! And we start off the new day with NO POWER surprise surprise. Apparently a vicious storm blew up last night which the entire base heard but me.... 😂 I was unconscious sleeping. It knocked the power out to the living quarters side of the base. :\ It is 94% humidity and going to be 42 C today.

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I am feeling more relaxed. Even though I have been wearing my mouthguard I realize that the one side of my face was very very tight . When I have a flair it even pulls my jaw out of alignment . I massaged all the muscles in my face on that side and now my jaw is back in proper alignment . I went to sleep about 10:15 PM and woke up at seven . It was so nice to wake up to the air-conditioning still on . It is going to be another brutal brutal day today as far as heat goes.


Our power went out yesterday at 5:30 in the morning and at about nine we just fled the situation got in the car and went to another city . Even the air conditioning in the mall and in the car was not enough and both my son and I were having a panic attack . By the time we got home in the evening though the power was back on and the air was back on which was awesome . Some people on the base though said that they didn’t get their power back until about nine or 10 last night .


A few people were even saying that a tornado went through our neighbourhood in the early hours of Saturday morning . My neighbour said the storm was so vicious the worst she’s ever heard her life and she has no idea how I slept through it .

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