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Hi Again,


well i have posted here before but let me fill you in. mY bf told me after a year that we need a break. i was shocked. this was 3 weeks ago. in the past few weeks we havent spoken, well very little.


Tonight though we talked for over an hour. jsut chatting, but still im thrilled. im not going to get my hopes up, but talking to him tonight felt soo good and i realized that he is one of my very best friends.

I did ask if he misses me and he said "some".


Is talking to him and the fact that he misses me a good sign that i could get him back??

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i really could not tell you that exactly.. it could be and it could be not..

it could be like.. he realized that he wanted you back but taking step by step in getting you back.. that's why he didn't tell you directly that he missed you.. with that.. well, you should give him his time for his plans.. you can't tell, maybe he wanted to surprise you.. if its his personality..

or it could be the other way.. may he somewhat missed you just because he's used to of having ou around and maybe he really just enjoyed talking with you..but it could only be that.. nothing more..

well, at least you've have just talked ones so you can't tell this early.. be patient my dear.. sooner or later you'll know.. the most that you could do now is try to move on.. open yourself to other oppurtunities and enjoy your life with out him..

before, i've received an advise from an experienced one.. she told me that i shouldn't locked my self in my x's shadow.. i should enjoy life and make my self happy and contented in what i am doing.. that happiness would soon shine out of me and for sure others would notice.. if it happened that it is still him who noticed it then i should give him chance and it would be better by that time..

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Hi, That's almost exactly what happened to me yesterday!, I called my ex gf, we were talking more than 1 hour and she said that my calling made her feel happy again because she was very sad, and now I realize we were also best friends. I feel reanimated now and just thinking about my next step.

Good luck!

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Hi Phoenix girl,

I think it's a good sign that your ex is a mature guy who can have a friendly talk with his ex. I don't think you should read any more into it at this time. Take it for what it was -- a good conversation with your ex Bf.


Now if he tells you that he misses you-- without you asking --then that would be a great sign! So stop asking him how he feels and just enjoy the exchanges If he still has feelings for you then they will come out on their own if you act a little indifferent but still nice and flirty. In other words, don't initiate contact, leave it up to him. Good luck

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I agree that i just need to go with the flow and not read to much into it. Honestly even when we were together we didnt talk that long so it was a pleasant experiance. It thrilled me when we talked and i have been extremely happy since. He is one of my best friends and i realize that now. im just going to take it one day at a time.



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