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I did somthing really stupid. car dealership


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I signed papers on a new vehicle and then had buyers remorse. I never drove off in the vehicle(it was to be transferred from the dealer's other location) and I still have my old car (my trade in). I agreed to a more expensive vehicle than I orignally planned and I can afford it, but it will be tight and the loan would be for 6 years. I am in the process of talking to them, but I am scared they will hold me to the contract. I am in Texas and there are no buyers remorse laws here that pertain to new cars. I am worried sick and cannot believe I went through with it. I also cannot believe that there is no way to legally get out of this. I am worried sick and am beating myself up pretty badly. Any gentle advice would be appreciated.

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If you're planning on going back to discuss it with them, you don't have any legal means to get out of it and you don't think they are going to let you off (both of which you should explore first, as they're your best options), then take a friend with you who will say that he's interested in a certain car on their lot (he should check it out first). Make sure they're sufficiently convinced by his interest, and then make him sit in on your meeting about your existing car "to get a feel of the business and keep you company". He should pretend that he doesn't really know much about your current problem. They will not want to give a bad impression in front of a new potential customer and so are likely to be more flexible in regard to your contract. Afterwards, he can say that he's interested in X car, but wants to take a look at one alternative elsewhere, and then you can both leave. It takes a fairly convincing bit of acting to pull it off, but I've done it before (in the role of the friend) so it's possible. You have to be pretty desperate to try it though, so look at other alternatives first.

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Do you have copy of the papers and what you agreed to?


Karvala's plan is brilliant. Salesmen rely on selling cars to make money and will do anything to get it.


Uh, I don't know any car salesman who will void an existing contract (in which he's already made a few grand) on the hope that someone else will buy a car. It makes zero sense. Do you know of any salespeople that will give up a contracted sale on the whim they *may* sell something else? This isn't an either or business. As you said yourself - they are in the business to make money by selling cars. Not by nullifying one contract in order to hope to get a sale from someones friend.


OP - if your state has no buyers remorse law, then try to sell the car before you even drive it off the lot. You'll take a loss of a few grand, but that will be better than being stuck with 6 years of payments, right?


When do you take delivery on it?

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UPDATE: The dealership has not called since tuesday and I am hoping since they do not have my trade car that they figured it just was not worth it to pursue it. I don't want to call them and draw attention to the issue. I am hoping that I do not receive any phone calls or certified letters. OP: I was going to take delivery Tues., but I called before they transferred the vehicle. Thanks to everyone for your help. I am in my forties, but have never bought a new car and now I know why! Again, thanks.

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  • 2 years later...

If you have an agreement, I think there's no way you can void it since you signed it. Next time you should be careful with your decision. I am glad that I found a great car dealership. After moving into town, I realized we were going to have to buy a second vehicle after all this time. I visited a website that helped me get pre-approved for a loan at a great rate. Then, the site showed me dealers in my area that I could buy from.

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