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how can I get her?

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Everytime I go pickup my cusin from school, I see this girl and she is really hot, and I'm 100% attractive physicaly and mentaly to her. When I see her she some times smiles at me, so I think she is interested in me. I toll me little cusin to ask his friend to come over to our place, and when she drops him off I'm going to ask her to come in and we can watch a movie while they play x-box or something.


A lot of things can go wrong with this tho..

I told me cusin to be precise, I told him to ask his friend for his SISTER to drop him off, so hopefully she will drop him off, if not...oh well.


I don't know what do do when shes in my place, should I make a move on her? or should I get to know her better? I don't another guy to take her from me, I really like her. I just don't know what to do in my place, we can't have sex or anything because kids are there, I might try to kiss her or give her a hug.


I was thinking of cooking her dinner and eat while watching a movie....


does it sound lame having her brother and my cusin on a playdate?

I know another guy that likes her too, and I really want to win her over before he does.

I need some advice on how can I make her attractive to me, I'm a pretty looking guy, but I'm kinda shy, thats why I didn't had the guts to ask her myself to come over

but whatever, I need some help right now, they are about to come in about 3 hours.

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Wow what you need to do is calm down. If you dont know this girl then how can you really like her, if you try anything you are gonna come off pretty creepy. Be friendly with this girl and see if she responds to you before you decide to make a move. Hopefully you can control yourself if she decides to come in. Just play it cool and see wut happens.

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we sometimes talk outside the classroom, and my cusin tells me a few things that his frined told him....


We wait outside the classroom, about 4 or 5 of us to pickup our, cusins, brothers, sisters, kids, etc.

and we just talk and she seems pretty friendly and funny....and some times when the young people are hangging out I usually say something funny and she laughts, but yet everyone else laughts. she is 18 and I am 19, the guy that likes her is 23, and he has a 7 year old daughter, he also has a nicer car and his own house. I in the other hand have a good car, but not as good as his, I have my own apartment, but not a house, and I take care of my little cusin. She lives at home with her mom, and has 2 sisters.


I know her a bit for about this whole summer..thats 5 days in the whole 9 weeks, I see her about 4-5 times a week. And I can't stand when this guy flirts with her. I know I have a chance, but I'm a little shy with her.

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Whatever you do, don't make a move on her. Chat, as usual, and take your cousin and her brother along. There presense is a good thing because it will loosen the atmosphere and give you something in common to talk about. Don't look at it as a date, just (to give some obvious advice) be yourself. But still flirt gently, give her your attention. flatter her, talk about the things you know she likes, make her laugh. Try not to be pushy, or over-attentive. Then when you separate, ask if she'd like to meet up again, just the two of you, in say a week's time.


Don't be insecure about insignificant things like who has the better car etc. Just put the other guy out of your mind, he doesn't exist, I certainly won't benefit you to compete with him because she wants you to give your attention to her, not the competition.


Don't rush in, leave it till the end of the second proper date before you kiss her on the cheek. And don't make plans ahead of your time like you are doing. Just relax, and go with the flow.


Oh... and good luck!

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I will try my best, I will remove the other guy from my head, but its gonna be hard and I will only be comfortable when I become her bf.


I flirted a little before with her, but it was small flirt I just kinda touch her hair and I said there was something in there and I took it out, and she said thank you and smiles a bit.

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