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Health problems showed me, how much I am missing in LDR...?

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Did anyone encountered something similar? I have quite serious health problems. My partner is very supportive via phone, but he is unable to visit me (we had to reschedule his visit and it is still not clear, when we will be able to see each other). I have my family to support me instead of the partner, but the situation showed me, what I am missing, because of the long distance.


Has anyone ever had similar feelings?

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Hey OptomisticGirl,


Read some of posts before and generally liked what you said. I noticed in your thread above you stated "the whole point of an LDR is that it's a precursor to being together, not an end in-of itself" I have to ask in my case we lived together for a year and then she moved back to her home a 1,000 miles away and we have been LDR for 6 months now with no end in sight. Certainly not anytime soon. She wants to live there and I can't move my kids there and we both know this and we both recognize this and both know "it is what it is" type of deal. So my question is "once being together and then moving apart with no end in sight, is it the end all of itself"?


We do love each other but I have a feeling that at some point we will both grow tired of it and either she or I will find someone else in our area. With no "end point in sight" just kinda feel like it's going to die a slow death unless one of us just pulls the plug. Right now neither of us can but an LDR like ours has little chance to survive long term correct? Not trying to be negative just realistic?



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IMO yes, it won't last simply for the fact there is no end in sight. When an LDR has no end in sight and no set end date - especially when you are talking 1000's of miles between you - the relationship can easily turn bitter and end. Let's be fair, who wants to saddle themselves with someone who they can't be with or there isn't ever a clear option FOR them to be with them? No one.

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