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How do i get her...her ex-bf is making it hard for her

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Met this amazing girl. we went out chemistry like crazy. from that day for the next two weeks we saw or spoke to eachother alomost everyday.


She broke up with her ex 5 months ago. I met him when we were out.


over the last couple of days she hasn't returned my calls...i know it has something to do with him


What should i do?


Do i call her again


Do i wait for her to call me?


I really like this girl


We were going really strong. We have already intimate times together, which in some ways shows how comfortable we are around eachother.


If you havn't followed my stories...i broke up with my gf 7 months ago...hardest thing in my life.


This is the first girl i have had feelings for in over 4 years (Me and my ex went out for 4 years


i have had such a hard time dealing with me and my ex...now ive met a girl and there are already issues


Please help

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There could be any number of reasons why she hasn't returned your calls, maybe just wait a couple of days, and try phoning again. If it is issues with her ex boyfriend, then you have to let her sort it out for herself. She may still have feelings for her ex boyfriend, and you need to be prepared that you may lose out here, as although there may have been good chemistry there, she has still only known you for 2 weeks. Just a case of waiting and seeing

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Im in the exact same boat as you dude. Except ive known this girl my whole life, just didnt get to know her alot better since the past couple months. I cant really give you much advice then has already been givin. But Id say on the subject of helping deal with the anxiety of waiting on a call and etc. , is to just do what you normally do. Try not to think about her too much, because if something doesnt work out between you and her like her going back to her ex or whatever, it would hurt you unfortunetly. Id say just wait it out like that other person said, then maybe in a couple days , call her. But till then, just try to be patient. Youre young man, try to not only worry about this problem , but keep attention on yourself aswell. Try to keep yourself stable and ..... id say just keep on truckin ! ahaha, youre doin good so far, just wait it out for a couple days. after that, whatever happens is up to you and her both. but until then, enjoy life . The key to gaining a good relationship, is enjoying yourself while youre single - it helps just to not worry - be happy man , and i hope it all works out *

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You know It's hard to get over a relationship right?. Well, give this woman a time to think about hers as well. If there's a chance with you she'll make the moves. Don't feel tempted to ask so soon. She may fix the things with her ex-boyfriend and you'll end up heart broken. She has to decide her own future. Dont give up your own life waiting on this woman, be there when she's ready. But be cautiuos too. Good luck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey...I'm feeling this topic too bro. Check it out...the reason why she is not returning your calls is because she's probably not sure what she wants. She's probably racking her brain and trying to decide if she wants him, you or no one.

You're best bet is to back off...waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy off. Let her decide who she wants and if it's you, she'll call you. If not...well...so what? You don't want to be in the middle of those two while she is running around all *beep* up over her ex.

And, don't think that just cuz you've been "intimate" with her (God I hope that is High School Mature for '*beep*' nowadays) that she is yours. As long as her ex is in the picture, she'll be back and forth, back and forth...you're best to cut yourself out of the equation and let her do her own thing...if she wants you, she'll come looking for you.

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RoBzgr8 wrote

Let her decide who she wants and if it's you, she'll call you. If not...well...so what?


Rob, some people might be heartbroken then. Feel down and even go into some sort of depression, unfortunately. You say things pretty black & white here, in which love isn't that black & white. You talk about love as if it is something 'material', where love actually has to do with feelings and emotions. From that point of view I totally disagree with you.


~ SwingFox ~

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