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Things slowing down too quick

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I just posted up here about things going so fast that it was scary. Both of us have been hurt by others and are dealing with learning to trust each other now.


So monday night, we were just talking and I was looking at her. She made a comment that the way I look at her makes her feel I care about her more than I let on. Not knowing what to say, I said, well, I do care about you. Left it at that. Later that night I could tell something was bother her and she said that I scared her. I asked if someone caring about her scares her and she said yeah.


After more talk, we were talking about how fast this was all going and she said that she doesnt think we are pushing things though. I didnt think we were either, things have been coming quite natural to us.


So here is the problem. Since that night, I talked to her a little in email yesterday, just sending jokes and stuff, she was real busy and didnt reply much. Her son called and asked me to come over to dinner this saturday, I said yeah. I talked to her for two seconds and she had to go. So I call her later that night after class and we spoke for 5 minutes before her mom called and she had to go. SHe called me back an hour later just to say sorry that it took so long and that she was going to bed. She called me the next morning, said she just wanted to say hi, talked 5 minutes if that. Didnt talk to her all day. She called after work apologizing for being so busy. SHe had to go again, another 5 minute call. SHe said she would call me later. So 11:30 tonight, she calls to say sorry again that she didnt call earlier. 5 minutes, and she was off to bed.


We are both needy people, and since the beginning, it felt like we talked so much more. I probably wont see her again till saturday now and at this rate, wont talk to her much either.


Can anyone speak from experience with this? This were going so well and now all the sudden the super chemistry we had in the beginning seems to be fading away. I want to ask her if anything is wrong, but I dont know if I am just over anylyzing her being busy or if something is really wrong.

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