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My husband isn't interested in having sex with me

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I am a newlywed and my husband is in the Air Force and we sleep in the bed every night and that is all just sleep! I am so tired, I try to dress sexy for him and light candles. Still same thing just sleep, he has been tested for testerone levels doc says he is fine. But, when I am not here he likes porn on the internet and chatting with other women. Can't understand it I have a beautiful bod, I keep my hair and nails done. I cook, clean, career woman Aim to please him. If I beg I might get it 2x's a month. Crazy or lazy just don't know or was it love or lust? don't know at this point.. need help bad.. deperately.

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At the age of 30, females start to hit their sexual peek, whilst the male declines from early 20's. However only 2x a month isnt much at all. If u are trying all these new sexy things for him, and still not get any attention, and his testostorone levels are fine, then i fear that either a) he's lost his sexual interest in you or b) is cheating on u and getting it elsewhere. He still is definietly into sex as he is checking porn. This isn't looking good . You seriously need to start questioning him.

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Does he have a stressful job in the airforce? or maybe is he stressed in life (doesn't enjoy his work say)?


I assume he doesn't have problems with 'it' in the bedroom! This might be another reason for the problem.


If he watches porn at the expense of your sex life, and there is nothing wrong with him, then I would definitely have a talk with him.


best of luck

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I agree with Wishmistress. He maybe depressed or there is something bothering him. Please sit him down and hear what is bothering him and then tell him your concerns also. Sit down like two adults and talk it out. I really hope your situation improves because my ex was like that too. I feel for you my dear.


Hubman 8)

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I would definetly talk to him and start feeling independent just in case it takes a turn for the worst. Because any guy should be proud to have you, most men like women to be very clean as you say you are and most men like sex. Especially when you are feeling open about the porn issue. Don't waste a lot of time with him if he is not treating you well, you need to find out what's going on and move on if necessary.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think you need to take a new approach because if you are begging him for sex then you arent making him want to have sex. If you do try a new approach realize that it wont be easy because you are no longer going to beg him for sex. You are going to flip it on him, since he seems so uninterested in haveing sex with you then you do the same (like i said this was going to be hard). You want him to come you instead of it being the other way around.


that would be the solution that preserves you relationship with him but you need to take note of this and realize that you have a higher sex drive than your significant other. If you feel that ihis sex drive has fallen off dramatically for no reason (some sort of sexual disfunction on his part) then you need to face the possibility the he is cheating.

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hey i read your post i think this man must be crazy becuse when im with some one i got to have it alest 12 times a week but knowing that the core is hard i must say could he be gay and covering it up by looking at porn and marring you sounds like it to me don't were suger im not gay but i am with some one now i meet over the net sorry or i would come by. lol

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