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this is what hell feels like

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my boyfriend and I recently broke up. we have been seeing each other for almost 2 years, and I CAN'T deal with the separation. we have had many problems in the relationship but have always recovered and grew from them. However, he recently broke up with me because he feels as though he can't forgive me for anything. He thinks I can't change as a person.


The point is, I have never been through something like this before. I've had many other boyfriends and bad break ups but this is the WORST. because I fell in love with him HARD. I don't know what to do. I can't stop crying. Death is on my mind and I'm not even suicidal.

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Lots of advice for you here but it probably won't make sense right now. I was there and you are right - it is hell!! My first time experience as well, same situation and it hurts so bad.


I walked. I walked alot of miles. About the only thing that helped. Tallking to some extent did but I was looking for a solution not advice. I know that now. Just walk. Drink plenty of water. Breath. It will pass.


PM if you need to or anyone else that can help. Be strong.

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