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what is cheating?

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hey just taking an informal survey lol. ive done this with a couple people but i was just wondering, what do you consider cheating? do you feel that its different for guys and girls? and to what degree of cheating would you be upset enough to end it? just wanna get your opinions. thanx!

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cheating isn't (or shouldn't) be different for guys and girls.

i personally think cheating is anything from kissing someone other than your partner, to taking it any further than that.


if you're kissing someone else, there must be some fundamental problem in your relationship for you to look elsewhere for it. i know, i've been there. tried to convince myself i wasn't cheating by just kissing the other guy, but felt so guilty that i knew it was wrong.


obviously, every person thinks differently, so maybe it's whatever makes you feel guilty and wrong - maybe thats it?!

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Cheating is doing anything with another person that you feel you must hide from your partner. If you have lunch with someone you are attracted to and you don't tell your partner, you are already on the slippery slope to cheating.


If you think this is not the case, think about why you are not telling your partner. What are you doing that is so worthwhile that it is worth lying to this person you care so much about? If it were really "just lunch," you wouldn't have a problem telling your partner, would you? Usually people keep these secrets because they want to have that little tantalizing experience on the side, and then lunch becomes a kiss, etc. You don't tell after the first lunch because you are hoping for a second lunch and don't want your partner to get wind of the budding relationship.


As far as kissing goes, oh yes, that's definitely cheating in my book! Unless, of course, this is something you don't feel the need to hide from your partner and which your partner doesn't consider cheating. (Yeah, right!)

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