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The bellybutton pop


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This is kind of a pointless and really stupid question, but I was wondering how many of you ladies had your bellybutton 'pop'? I am around 30 weeks pregnant, and mine is still very much an inny. It has definitely gotten a lot shallower, but I'm doubting it will ever pop, because I have an EXTREME inny bellybutton (my husband thinks its so weird, to be honest, it really is!).


I actually think it's absolutely adorable when they pop out, and was hoping mine would, so I was just wondering what other womens experiences were with if/when it happened to them, so I can see if I still have hope!

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I'm 38 weeks and mine got a lot more shallow as well but never popped.

Enjoy your last 10 weeks and congratulations!!


Thank you, and you too!!! WOW 2 weeks left, is baby showing any signs of making an early entrance or do you think he/she will make mommy wait until after the date??

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Mine never popped out. It just flattened out a little bit....and my stomach was HUGE. Even though I had an inny I thought for sure it would be forced out by the massive size I was.


LOL I was REALLY glad it didn't stick out actually. For some reason I think it looks painful when they do- like if you banged it, it would probably hurt like Hell. (not sure if that is the case???)

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hey tink wow 30 weeks i have til thursday then i have hit the 30 week mark i have an extremely inny bellybutton to mine has always been really deep my oh found it weird before pregnancy because it was so deep but mines not fully out either its still an lovely inny i dont like outy's it only pops out if i get in or out of the bath or even when little one kicks or wriggles behind it an then it looks like a strange pokey outy button

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My sister has a deep innie and she went to almost 42 weeks with her first son and it never popped. She is 39 weeks with her second son now and it's still an innie. Some just never do! Mine is an innie but I have a 'nub' in there and it popped out around 34 weeks with my daughter. I hated it! I have a hang up with my belly button anyway, it's very sensitive and it rubbed on everything and I couldn't sleep or get comfortable. I'm 19 weeks pregnant with my second and not looking forward to the BB pop this time!!

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My sister has a deep innie and she went to almost 42 weeks with her first son and it never popped. She is 39 weeks with her second son now and it's still an innie. Some just never do! Mine is an innie but I have a 'nub' in there and it popped out around 34 weeks with my daughter. I hated it! I have a hang up with my belly button anyway, it's very sensitive and it rubbed on everything and I couldn't sleep or get comfortable. I'm 19 weeks pregnant with my second and not looking forward to the BB pop this time!!


I never really considered that it would be painful, but it does make sense!

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I never really considered that it would be painful, but it does make sense!


Haha I don't think it is for most people! I have always had a weird hang up about my belly button, no one can touch it (not even DH) and it makes me throw up if anyone does. Having it come out was like my worst nightmare LOL.

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Haha I don't think it is for most people! I have always had a weird hang up about my belly button, no one can touch it (not even DH) and it makes me throw up if anyone does. Having it come out was like my worst nightmare LOL.


LOL Hope75..... you are having a little boy...hopefully he won't take on the habit of my son has of running up to mom, lifting her shirt, and poking her right in the belly button. My son gets the biggest kick out of doing that to me.

I have a hang up with my belly button anyway, it's very sensitive and it rubbed on everything and I couldn't sleep or get comfortable.


I was always glad my didn't pop out because it does look like it would hurt. ouch

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Mine never popped out. It just flattened out a little bit....and my stomach was HUGE. Even though I had an inny I thought for sure it would be forced out by the massive size I was.


LOL I was REALLY glad it didn't stick out actually. For some reason I think it looks painful when they do- like if you banged it, it would probably hurt like Hell. (not sure if that is the case???)


Ditto this, mine never popped either but I was 100% sure it would lol


My MIL told me hers popped and it was soooo sensitive, even clothes touching it felt weird and sometimes hurt.

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LOL Hope75..... you are having a little boy...hopefully he won't take on the habit of my son has of running up to mom, lifting her shirt, and poking her right in the belly button. My son gets the biggest kick out of doing that to me.


Oh yeah, my daughter has an obsession with bellybuttons, she is always lifting my shirt and saying "bewwybutton!" and trying to stick her finger in it. Super fun!

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