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hi...=] .. b4 i go on like a mad cow i wud like 2 smile...yay...so....=)..lol..


me n my bf been 2gther for about 1 mth n a bit......HIS X.... IS NOT OVER him yet!!!!.. grrrrr..o they broke up last yr...... i find her irritating @ times.... she treats me so nice ...TOO nice in front of me... but i suspect sumtings up....every morning in skool esembly she wud look @ me or my bf.... (my fren tells me almost every time). we're reli reli frenly n nice 2 each other everytime we talk..... my bf's rite... he once told me 2 stay away frm her... i din reli listen 2 him....... so i guess now im BUSTED.......but neways nvm bout dat... he doesnt hv neting 4 her (well i hope...she just lost 10kg dude..n shes prettier i think n i feel shes more useful than me..lol)......

i just noticed dat shes been tellin her frens like "thats my x bf.................and THATs his gf"........i bet shes been tellin all the gud stuff they went thru n make every1 cry n god knws wat about me.... im innocent coz im new 2 their skool this yr.....n HELLO its not like they broke up coz of me..... they broke up b4 i came 2 this skool!!! owh!. n now her frens mite b against me for being wiv my bf..... but THANK gawd dat my bf's frens r very nicee ....... so im pretty happy wiv dat... jsut that i dont knw wat 2 do wiv my bf's x.... i do not want 2 be her rival/enemy..... last nite my bf was performng on stage... n his frens were all pushing me 2 the front... guess wat i saw she n her frens standing rite in front...as if he's stil hers..... i mean screw her man she shud @least respect me by not being all so infront about things last nite.....i knw i cudve jst stand bside her but her frens where there it was scary... n i din wanna end up like whispering 2 ech otha in front of her frens like "hes so cute there" "yeah he is"....n all the x n gf convo, or getting all pissed... shes reli pissing me off......shud i say want i want 2 say 2 her (pls back off...hes my bf .pls get over him. ur his X not his gf... hi darling but do u knw hes not single? so pls dont waste ur time....etc)??? or shud i just shut up n act s2pid??? if i say wat i wanna say 2 her we mite b enemies after dat.... or how bout my bf telling her nicely dat he doesnt like her anymore n hes taken? i dunno..mayb dats a bad idea....he mite do it also... i dont knw..

btw just bcoz she lost 10kgs now shes showing off her a*s/body....> wats wiv this s2pid website can let me type the word<. n tryin lure my.....ps: i heard dat she likes sum1 else but cant get over my bf.. screw her ....bloody weak.....>


ok n im sori if i sound rude here..im expressing myself..LMAO


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Dear bit3yerlip:


Why are worrying about this girl? She is EX and you are his g/f. Has she made a move on him? Even if she has it's his problem to deal with not yours. Let your b/f make the stand against her if there's one to made.


Her objective is to upset you and she's winning. Do not let her and her friends bother you. Remember HE'S YOU GUY NOT HERS! You don't have to be best friends with her. I suggest that you just be nice to her. Smile and say hello to her when you see her and leave it at that. Don't sweat about this girl.



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