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Men That Should Generally Be Avoided

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Alright, this is the place for you ladies! I want to create a list of men that should be avoided when it comes to relationships.


For example, I would strongly suggest that you avoid a man who regularly "borrows" money from his mom's purse without telling her.

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Wow Scott, straight and to the point. It is because that is just the way you are or is it due to how most peopole treat you because to be honest, I used to be the type that was mean to alot of people. Mostly because they treated me like the trash you throw out that smells of rotting crabs.


And PADreamer, just remember who gave you the idea to make this forum. LOL

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Beware of men who make promises, then don't come through because they don't "feel like it." Example: Breaking dates because they decide they want to do something else that night.


Also, I'd steer clear of men who need female attention all the time. The line, "So I happen to like women" is a weak disguise for "I have an unquenchable need to have my sexual attractiveness affirmed and affirmed and affirmed."

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I just thought that it be fair to create a place that the girls can vent out things guys put them through ya know? No need to bow down to me.....I'm not worthy. And I totally agree with the women in here so far, that is why I hate making promises.....most are hard to keep or achieve ya know. I don't want to put a girl through pain like that.

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Where's tha we're not worthy smiley when u need it?? LOL But I think guys that should be avoided are the ones that are full of themselves and think they are gods gift to women or something. That and selfish guys who put themselves before their girl.


Befor eyou say it, I know, I'm a guy, LOL, just my 2c.

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Now I am not going to say all "hot" guys are bad but those are definitely the type to be extremely cautious with. They KNOW you girls fall for them and they will use thier looks to get sex or money out of you and then split. In most cases, you can tell a bad guy from a good guy just by how he acts around his friends, what he does on his time, and how he talks.

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Ah Outlaw I saw the crab reference in your post and realized you must be from somewhere near Maryland ;-).


Um, yeah I'm not exactly a lady, but as far as guys to avoid... I would say the same for girls too... any guy who hides important stuff from you after you are real good friends and just guys who don't like to talk about personal matters. You can't really have a close relationship with people if you can't talk with each other about the important stuff. That is, of course, after you know them somewhat and want to start getting serious. For a first impression, I'd say a guy who spends more time talking about himself than looking and listening to what you're saying.



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No aireyc you are close, I am from Pennsylvania.


But um yes avoid those guys who are all talk and no listen. I do realize alot of girls just want someone to listen to them. I am pretty good at that unless it is about a very bland topic. Once again, equality comes into play. Take turns, share views about different things and give each other a chance to talk and listen ya know? A relationship isn't just about one person. It is a TEAM EFFORT.


By the way, if you wanted to vent about what girls to avoid aireyc, I have created a post called WOMEN THAT SHOULD BE GENERALLY AVOIDED. It is in the same area as this post and created by myself. This post here was my idea but I let a good friend of mine take it since she is female. Hope you all enjoy both posts and hope the admins like the idea. lol

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Where's tha we're not worthy smiley when u need it?? LOL But I think guys that should be avoided are the ones that are full of themselves and think they are gods gift to women or something. That and selfish guys who put themselves before their girl.


Befor eyou say it, I know, I'm a guy, LOL, just my 2c.


Ehhhh I wouldn't say avoid guys who are being selfish because they have their own needs that conflict with a womans wants. I believe that there is a fine line between being Independent and being an A-hole. I think that saying somebody is going to put themselves before their "person" (guy/girl) is really depending on the situation involved. A guy or a girl could have important things to do and most likely known to the other. Another example could depend on how close they are to each other and how far each other are in the relationship. Another factor is their commitment. Now if after all these variables especially committment are set in, selfishness can is one of the underlying benefactors to watch out for. There's just different scenarios I just wanted to point out with Computerguy's statement. That coming from a guy.......makes me wonder, are you saying that to be the nice guy? lol.

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This post here was my idea but I let a good friend of mine take it since she is female.


outlaw, you dont have to keep on saying that again and again, youve been acknowledged already.


men to be avoided:


yeah, i agree on the previous post, those who make promises but dont keep them.


2. doesnt respect his mom. ->he wont respect you either.


3. habitual liar.


4. can't take NO for an answer.


5. so full of hot air. cant stop bragging about his "conquests"

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LOL! I think Outlaw is just proud of his good idea! Right buddy?


Trojan, I think you and ComputerGuy are both SORT of right... Maybe I'm just not clear on what you guys mean. I think that everyone has to take care of their essential needs before they can take care of someone else. Example, you can't have a healthy relationship with someone if you are depressed and down all the time and aren't taking any steps towards correcting the issue. But at the same time, you can't spend so much time worrying about you that you make your partner feel unimportant. I'm pretty sure that's what you guys were saying, but I'm pretty much in full-fledged "air-head" mode at the moment, so you'll have to excuse my lack of mental capacity!

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outlaw, you dont have to keep on saying that again and again, youve been acknowledged already.


Well for the statistics, I only took credit twice, one was addressed to my friend who I helped make this post and another to where I was guiding a fellow poster to another site so he can vent about girls on my post instead of this post here. And I made a second post here just to explain to those who have known me here for a while that i did it for the fairness of women thank you very much. So no, I am not bragging or anything.....now back to the matter at hand.


Here's a guy for y'all to avoid.....the guy that you go on a date with and the only thing he compliments you on is your body. He says nothing about your clothes, or your personality, or your cute laugh or your interests. He just stares at you and talks to you as if you are just a piece. Either an obsessed, jerk, or obsessed-jerk (the worst kind) will contribute to this behavior.

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Freeman, in the hopes that you will come back here and read this, this post has one purpose: to discuss the types of men that should be avoided. This post is not a place to A) talk about avatars, or B) make fun of and put people down. I'm sure that there are plenty of forums on this site that will cater to those particular topics, but I'd appreciate it if you would not stray from the topic we have started in here, simply out of courtesy to the other users. I don't want people to start avoiding my post because they have to worry about being ridiculed. But any input you have on the topic at hand is welcomed and I look forward to it! Thanks!

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As a rule, avoid men that continue to pursue you even after they've discovered that you're in a relationship. You have to question the motives of a guy like that. What sort of person deliberately tries to break up a relationship? A greedy one. Aside from that, he obviously doesn't look at commitment as any big deal, so how can you trust him to stay faithful to you?

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Hello all,

Avoid men who ask you out on a date and then insist that you meet them halfway because you live too far. Men who ask to borrow money until their next paycheck(or at any time). Men who show up on a date looking like they just rolled out of bed. Men who still carry picture of ex wife or gf in their wallet and show it to you on the date. The list goes on and on... I will spare you the rest...


Good topic

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Here's a guy to avoid. The one who expects YOU to make all the decisions. I say both partners need to agree on something. Sometimes the guy takes charge, sometimes the girl. Guys who usually expect you to do everything for you may be the type who is too dependent on people. On extreme cases, he might be using your kindness as a weakness if you do decide to stick to doing everything for him. Either dump the guy if you know he's up to something or try to instill some confidence into him if he seems a lil insecure.

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