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Moving to another state to be with SO?

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Ooh ... I wish I'd seen this thread earlier! I'm in a comparable situation. I'd known my current partner for a while before we started a relationship, and I absolutely adored him. I'd been single for a while, and was very happy that way, and would have been happy even if I'd never had another relationship (I'm A LOT older than you, by the way!) I had a couple of worries at the start - though my guts were telling me 'This is IT' - and he asked at a very early stage if I'd consider moving to his town. We live 3.5 hours drive apart. Like you, I have very little keeping me where I live now and his town is not only beautiful, but there are many more opportunities in my line of business than where I am currently.


So - I'm in the process of putting my house on the market and relocating! I'd said initially that I'd be looking for a flat in his town, and taking it from there, because it's just too soon for me to think of moving in with him. Last time I saw him he asked me directly if I'd reconsider this, then said that he was glad he'd asked, but wasn't going to push it. To be honest, the housing market in the UK is absolutely dire at the moment, and it could be that it will be so long before I sell my house that I'll have had time to get used to the idea.


I've done my hard thinking, like 'Would I want to live there if I weren't with him?' and the answer is yes. But, to be honest, you KNOW when the other person's right for you. You've done all the reality checks, all the practical things make sense for you, and my advice to you, without reservations, is GO FOR IT!!!


And I wish you all the very best for a fantastic life together!

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