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My ex still contacts me...

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I posted on her before about my breakup. My ex broke up with me at the end of November. I didn't pull your typical dumpee manuveres, begging him back, telling him I've changed, calling him and texting him off the hook. After the day he broke up with me I went completely NC to start my healing. Since we've broken up after a week or so of NC he'll call me or txt me..but majority of the time he'll call me than follow with a txt when i dont answer (which is always). I told him before Christmas that It's better if we don't have any contact because I need to get over him and move on. But he has ignored my request. He'll call me then txt me "I just called to say hi." we went NC for almost 2 weeks until this past Friday I recieved a missed call from him. I didn't answer. Then a couple of days after that he send me a txt snapping on me for commenting on one of his friends Faebook Status's and pictures. I was not being flirtatious at all, if anything I was making fun of him. Me and my ex were together for 3 and a half years so i built that type of friendship with his friends. ANYWAYS...he hasn;t stopped. He's been txting me about this topic off the hook, he started to say mean things like "stop looking for attention from my friends." I know his friend would constantly tell him how hot I am and how lucky he is to have me. He's really starting to piss me off.


It's been over a month since we've broken up what does he want from me? I still love him and miss him like crazy. What makes me so annoyed is that I've actually been really good at keeping my NC.


ny advice?

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I too went NC right after my breakup and deleted him from FB the next day. The day I deleted him from FB he sent me a nasty text saying that he "isn't gonna lose any sleep by me deleting him off of FB" and "While i'm at it I should delete his friends and family too!"...I didn't even entertain his text. I contiuned NC. Until he texted me a week later asking me if I would like to go to a baseball game with him. I made the mistake of breaking NC everytime he contacted me, I recently got to the point to where if there isn't any major breakthroughs...NC all the way. I simply don't have the time for games.


So Basically he is looking to get some attention from you....I would ignore him until he comes correct.

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