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There are 2 types of people in this world

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my ex broke up with me just under 3 months ago his reasons being he needed to be single and figure out who he was (he promised it was nothing to do with me and wasn't because he wanted other women just the fact that he has been in and out of relationships since he was 15 he is now 25) I told him I believed that within 2 months he would be seeing someone else as he couldn't be single he said that wouldn't happen.


I accepted this and I although I didn't like it I have tried to move on and use my time as being single to do things for me.


Well guess what happened!! I haven't heard from him or seen him in the time we have been apart but I saw a friend of his who told me he is now seeing a new girl and has been for the last month. What a surprise!!!!


It has really hurt me I know he is not with me but after a five year relationship I had hoped he would prove me wrong and our relationship had been worth something to him. I don't feel sick thinking about him being with the other girl which makes me think I am well on the road to recovery but im just so mad right now!! All the reasons he gave for breaking up were lies.


I really believe there are 2 types of people in this world the ones who seek the special someone and are truly happy with themselves and the others who can not bear to not be in a relationship and rush into something without getting over there last. Making them unhappy and resulting in issues being transferred from relationship to relationship. Eventually them marrying who ever they are with at the time they feel they need to settle down.

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I totally understand what you're saying. I was with my ex for 4yrs,3mnths. She said she loved me and we discussed our future (getting married, etc).


But all of a sudden, she's unhappy. And she's told me she was going through a depression the whole time. And she's felt lonely. Only she couldn't tell me these things all this time, she waits for now! If only I would've known we could've worked through it. What we had and the potential for what we could've had was worth working on that.


And she gave me the whole being single, wanting space, trying to figure herself out, no one else, etc....


But I found out she's been talking to a guy from work for 2 months before we broke up and they immediately got together after we broke up. Burn! How could someone do this to someone they loved and still call their best friend?


I mean, I understand the reasons for the break, but I don't think we should end it indefinetly.


She still wants to be best friends. Is that even possible?


I hope things get better for you. Maybe he'll come around. Maybe you won't want him when he does.

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Why is it important to know that your past relationship meant something to your ex? All you can ever know is what the relationship meant to you and when you realize that you will become a stronger person. Take some time and grow as a person so you are more prepared for the next relationship.

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I think when something like that happens, if you don't feel like the relationship meant that much to the other person it is horrible. It makes you feel like you spent x amount of time with someone that you thought you knew but you did not. It makes you feel stupid and blind. It makes you wonder what is wrong with you. How you could love someone so deeply and that person not feel the same. If you feel like the feelings were reciprocated, then it is much easier to move on.

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