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Guys who want to keep talking to other women but don't want you to


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I got fed up with a guy that was playing too many games and telling me one thing and doing another. It was too soon to have any kind of exclusivity talk, but he told me he was only focused on me. Not so much. He didn't realize that I could see that he was online for hours, talking to/looking for other women.


Once he seemed to get flustered when he asked me if I was dating other people. I hadn't at that point, but had a date lined up. I didn't know how to answer that and kind of side stepped it. I knew fully well he was at the very least talking to other people and probably seeing others since we had only met up once in a month. I was also getting tired of his excuses for not being able to meet. He called me daily and one night he called me 4 TIMES and asked me who I was with.


I have since stopped seeing him. He was flaky and a host of other things and he just seems too distracted with all of the women and he's not putting enough effort into things. Strange thing is he got really upset about it and has gone no contact. Weird.


The funniest part is that when we had the "Let's be friends" talk and I said he wasn't focused enough on me to actually make a go of it he said "I'd never ask you if you were talking to others." Well, he did multiple times. And I actually didn't ask him, I just asserted that he was. People are funny.

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"I want you, but not right now. So wait for me..."


That's the conveyed message that's coming accross. I know women who are the same way; not interested in me but at the sametime, want me on standby. So when they get done fooling around they have something halfway decent to fallback on.

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I don't think the guy wanted me as a standby. Although I admit that it seemed that he wanted to check out all of his options before settling. Plus, it's clear that he wasn't great at treating his ex wife well and he has carried that into dating. He's too newly divorced to get that most new women aren't going to tolerate that. Oh well. I'm not going to sit at home and wait for the phone to ring and rule out other options for someone who isn't making me a priority. I don't have to.

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