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Attracted to girl at work-want to get head start onfriend =/

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Ok theres this girl at work that i have worked with the last few days and hes going to be a waitress there.Like i have said before my friend is really good with girls and he can get her to like him right away but i want to see if i can at least be friends with her.I think the depression pills have even helped me with girls because i can talk to girls a lil bit more calmly and that makes me happy.I talked with her a lil bit got her name kind of exchanged smiles and she made lots of eye contact sometimes.The only problem is do u guys have some pointers on what i should talk to her about? maybe get to know her better, something that will help that big time.I really feel good right now there pills have helped me so much because i used to not make eye contact with girls because id always look at the floor and look down and feel depressed now im happy.Im actually able to communicate better with women some what its just a start and a good one for being like 2 days since ive started taking the pill

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Well you should watch her behavior and see what she does so you can see her interests. (I don't mean stalk her......but you get what i am saying.) Once you see that you both have something in common, you can most likely approach her without fear (if she is a nice girl of course) and a simple hello is a good start. Then you can talk about the thing that has caught both of your attention. It could be a book that you both read, a movie you both have seen, or even an opinion on something on the news is a great way to start a convo. Just takes a little research. Look before you leap is a good way to think of this.


Now I am not in anyway good with girls but as far as making friends, this method has actually worked but I won't get any further than that. Oh yeah, you know they locked the 20, Never Had A GF, Still A Virgin post due to people flaming right? It was such a good post too....well that's the best I can do for ya homie. Good luck.

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Well wouldnt that be ease dropping? If i would try to listen in on something but i guess not because whenever my friend hears them talking about something he cuts in sometimes and brings up a point about that matter.Just wanna know things to become friends at first maybe i should work on that.

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It's like a balance. Don't be all up in their face trying to get intel on her but let's put it this way.....you notice she exists right? Well take notice of what she does. That is how most people meet, they see something in common or discuss something in common. Eavesdropping is more close to spying. But I am pretty sure you know what I mean. As long as you talk to her about something and she responds nicely, you are good for the most part.

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