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birth control patch side effects??

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I am on the patch now, Which I think you read from the other post about the girl who wanted to know about pill vs shot, anyways The patch has had no side effects that I have felt. I strongly recommend teh patch plus its easy to remember. I askedmy doctor about the side effect of teh patch and she said that there were none. I said that was impossible. She said that there is a 1% chance that there will be a side effect. But I was too on the shot and I switched because of all of the horrible side effects that it had on me.


So go with the patch you wont regret it.

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  • 2 weeks later...



I've been on the Patch for about a year and a half now. I actually switched from the shot (Depo Provera) just like you. I went from a never-ending period and low sex drive with the shot to regular, monthly periods, breasts that swell for two weeks a month, clearer skin, and NO cramps (okay, maybe a little, but NOTHING compared to what I USED to get before I was on any kind of birth control).


You put a new patch on your abdomen, upper back, butt, or outer arm (but not your chest) once a week for three weeks, then you take it off for the fourth week, during which you get your period. That's the cycle. The ONLY issue I have with the Patch is that I have sensitive skin, which means that I sometimes get itchy irritation if I where my Patch in the same place for too many weeks at a time. That, and, you can't really wear a bikini without announcing to the world that you're using birth control (unless you pass it off as a band-aid!!).


I hope this helps. If you have any questions, post. And remember that the Patch does not in any way prevent STD's. This is important.



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  • 4 weeks later...

I've been super depressed and emotional since i got on the shot and my dr. recommended that i get on the patch too. Thanks for the advice...


Just one question: Do i have to wait 12 weeks after i got my last depo shot to get on the patch? And does it cost a lot of money to get on the patch? Thanks!

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Well from what I do know yes you have to wait to get the patch until your schedualed next shot, but instead of getting the shot you will get the patch. But also the side effects can stay in your body for up tp 18 months after you stop taking the shot.


Also If you have insurance then it should cover the patch mine does. But i think if you dont have insurance it maybe be expensive not sure.

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