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I haven't felt very good lately...

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Well, my plea would be directed to either experts in psychology, or experienced people. I don't know what has been happening lately, but I feel different... I wouldn't say I feel bad, because I still laugh, and well, I'm not that unhappy... What I really feel could only be described as apathy towards life... "apathy", it's the only word I can find similar to what I feel. It's sort of like a tiredness and an "I don't care". I feel like I have no future. Have you seen the movie "Billy Madison"? Well, I feel as if I was one of his friends, you know, a "nobody"... It's kind of tricky to explain. I'm already 16 and will be 17 in almost no time. I used to have ambitions, you know, wishes, but seeing that even after trying, I get nothing back, I no longer want anything... I feel that I have to find my real self again, because I used to think I already had, but it's not like that anymore... I'm going to be in 11th grade, and still have no idea of what I really want. I have noone to talk to about this issue, because I know my parents would get angry and disappointed (everyone has such high expectations about me, but I know I'll just let them all down...). I know this probably happens to tons of young people that age, but I also know they won't stay young forever, and I'm worried, because I'm still a mess and well, I just feel kind of stupid. I think I'm too old for this dilemma. I feel old and tired (and uninspired). Is there something wrong with me? Am I just destined to be a looser forever, like those guys I mentioned earlier?

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Actually I've been feeling the same way. Whether you're religious or not, even if you don't believe in Christ, the Bible is always a good place to look for answers. Honestly, if someone would've said that to me a few years ago I probably would've laughed in their face. But it has a lot of answers. It's like a guideline to life. After I found it, I can feel a difference in my life. Seriously.

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I've felt that way since I was about 16 also. I'm 18 now and I definitely cope with it better than I used to. When I was younger I used to drink myself into a drunken stupor pretty much every weekend.


Unfortunately, I haven't found a cure for it, nor have I tried to contact anyone like a counselor or whatnot, which is prolly what I should've done ages ago.


I just cope with it by just going with the flow, some days are worse than others, but I find it's still possible to have fun most of the time.

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Well, I'm not religious... I don't find your suggestion funny, or ridiculous, so I would never laugh in your face. But, maybe I could be wrong, but isn't the Bible more about faith than about now-a-day's life? I don't think it's faith what I'm missing (well, maybe faith in myself?)... I will try to look for those answers you spoke about anyway... I hope it works, because I don't know what else I should try (after all, it's the only advice I've gotten). I also am able to have fun, but it doesn't feel good, you know. It's like sometimes this takes my attention off of fun. I have to definitively do something...

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everybody feels down sometimes, don't be hard on yourself!


I was two years older than you before I decided on what I would study at university, and even when I went to uni., I wasn't totally sure why I was doing my course for the first few years either.


Just concerntrate on the subjects you like and are good at. If you have a decision to make, why not discuss your options with your family and school tutor/careers person. They will be able to help and advice you.


All you can do is your best, and no one can fault you if you fail but have done your best. Remember that there are other options for you to follow if you dont like the academic route. A lot of my friends pursued manual type careers, ie self employed builder/plasterer/gas fitters...etc. They make as much money as I do!!! and have the added benefit of being self employed.

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Hey there mate...


First thing... You're not a looser!!! You will never be one unless you consciously decide to become one.


Secondly... You're so young! You're not expected to know what your future holds or what you'd like to do with it. You still have do find out who you are, what interests you... what makes you tick?


You really can't just give up and just decide that you're too old... cos' you're lying to yourself.


Take one step at a time... have a look at what you enjoy doing and do it. If there's something you've always wanted to do, try making the effort to do it. This world has so much to offer, how can it leave one person feeling all tired and lost?


It's up to you to make a move and do something about your situation. It all boils down to the way that you're thinking at the moment. Your family and friends might be putting to much pressure onto you. Don't let them! Speak to them if they are or speak to someone else if you feel they won't understand.


Concerning your future... have a look at what you really enjoy doing. Let's say for example you enjoy drawing and you enjoy working with PCs, then maybe start looking at going into Computer Graphics or something like that. Maybe even ask your folks or your Career Counsellor at school if you can take an aptitude test which will give you a good indication as to which field to pursue for your future.


The main thing for you at this stage is to talk to people if you think you've got a problem. By talking, you're taking the first step to solving your problem.


Please don't ever call yourself a looser... You're not! A looser is someone who doesn't appreciate a person like you.


Be encouraged and try focus on positive things... you'll see that this 'mountain' of a problem you're facing now is only the size of a mole hill...


Good luck friend!

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It will be hard though... I rarely find anything that could be related to a profession enjoyable... There's no one I can talk to. I don't want to talk about it to my parents because they'll be disappointed. I switched schools (yeah, you may think it's the perfect time to create my own image and start with a clean slate, but I just know it will be the same all over again... It will suck) so, I don't really know my counsellor. I don't think it will be possible to go to a shrink, because my parents say it's not necessary, and blah blah. Siblings? They barely understand that I am a relative, how could they understand me? There's no one, and that's why I posted... Does anyone else have anything to say? For now I'll just try my best with what has been said, and hope it will be alright.

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When i was that age and in school, i always looked at the other people around me. There was the "preps" who thought a misplaced piece of hair was the worst disaster ever. The the "geaks" who were the teachers favorites, always studying and on time, blah blah blah. The "freaks", need i comment, everyone knows all these types. So there i'd be, the one who most the time got along with them all but was in a class all my own. I almost looked at them all like immature brats who had no idea that the real world could care less about their little problems and ideal ways. I began to daydream alot and school really didn't matter to me. When i was a freshman i had plans of going to the best school around here and then around my junior year i just stopped caring. I took the minimum corses instead of the prep for college ones. My senior year i only went half a day because by then i was so sick of the ppl that i just wanted to get out and work and start my own life away from them. I tried going to a counselor and it made no sense. All she did was sit there and tell me how "full of potential" i was and how i should do this and that. But did anyone ever stop to think how i felt? The reason i'm saying this is an example. Yes alot of teenagers go through it. Some grow up and some never will. It's just that, growing up. The problem comes when you have to eventually figure out what you want to do with your life. I decided i wanted to work instead of going to school, and by golly thats what i did. It just depends on the person. You'll find yourself eventually, just relax.

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I would say you are depressed. Not looking forward to things and apathy are one of the main signs.


Depression often starts as just lack of intrest and not caring much about what you used to.


It might do you good to consiter medicine. I don't mean that you will have to be on it forever. You might need something for a few months just to get you back to your old self.


Talk to your dr. Tell him how you feel. If he recomends meds ask about welbutrin. It is mild, no side effects such as weight gain either which is nice. That is one of the best meds you can get on.


Or consiter therapy. That often helps depression, if you don't want to try meds.

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