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Need Advice on Working Out:UPDATE/PROGRESS

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Hey Carter!


Actually, I only went three times this last week, and then one day just did swimming, but it was for thirty straight minutes. I was going to the gym five days a week, than I got back from vacation and wasn't quite so driven. I keep hearing it's best to go five days a week to see the most noticeable results, but I don't want to get burned out. Also, I am starting to dread the cardio -20 minutes on the eliptic machine. But I feel I must keep that particular exercise up because the main area I want to really build more muscle on is my legs.


So Carter and I both need kicks everyone!

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I actually have a workout question. I just bought a new bench and it has a leg developer but im not sure if im doing the LEG EXTENSIONS right. My bench has a preacher curl and im not sure if i should remove the preacher curl before i do extensions or am i supposed to leave it on? Am i getting the full range of the leg extensions, am i going all the way up and down?... or is the preacher curl stopping the bar half-way up??

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A rather pitiful workout session today...worked on the arms. This is my weakest area, and the one I least like working. Does anyone have any suggestions for building up my arm strength on a regular basis, i.e., something I can try at home in between the gym? Seriously, the weight training isn't going that great on my arms...I feel like I can barely do eight reps. Also, do you think my repeated swimming will help my arm strength?


On the other hand, I'm doing consistently well on my cardio, and leg exercises (which is the area I most want to improve. I want to build really defined thigh muscles, a la Britney Spears!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, a shout-out to all my eNotalone exercise buddies...how's everyone doing with their work-out routines? Any new exercises you're trying out?? Seeing results yet?


I'm still sticking with my cardio and weight stuff, but haven't been swimming as much. I definitely need to do that more, because it's great for the arms, actually the whole body.

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A rather pitiful workout session today...worked on the arms. This is my weakest area, and the one I least like working. Does anyone have any suggestions for building up my arm strength on a regular basis, i.e., something I can try at home in between the gym? Seriously, the weight training isn't going that great on my arms...I feel like I can barely do eight reps. Also, do you think my repeated swimming will help my arm strength?


On the other hand, I'm doing consistently well on my cardio, and leg exercises (which is the area I most want to improve. I want to build really defined thigh muscles, a la Britney Spears!)



How often do you work your arms in the gym? My advice is that you can work them maximum 2 times a week. Do a routine where you on one of the training sessions do your 8 reps and on the other session lower the weight so you can do 12. How often do you swim?

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Hey I'm still here!!


Been doing a lot of mountainbiking, soccer training and low weights/high reps recently. My fitness is coming along very well compared to what I was a month or so ago. There is this mountainbike track near where I live, and a month ago it took me over 2hrs30mins to complete the course, now I can do it some 20mins quicker and getting less each time I do it. I probably ride 5 times a week at the mo.


Weight wise I have lost about 4lbs; I'm now about 11st 7lbs. Not a lot I know but my body looks more defined. I hope thereforeeee that I have lost some fat and maybe gained a little muscle?? . Still I want to get down to 11st, which is about right for my height/body frame.


Can you guys see any progress? either in definition or in actual fitness itself????

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YaY - CarterJ.'s still here! Sounds like you've really got the momentum going with your training and biking - that's awesome!


I see some slight changes in my legs, and I look a little leaner in general, but from what I understand, it takes at least six months to see significant changes.

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Scout you seeing results yet?


I reread a post and I want to add a few things.


The elliptic machine will probably help out alot and swimming is great overall. But if you don't start to see some sort of result then you should switch things up a bit. I take "toned" to be high muscle/fat ratio in a certain area. Britney (and don't worry about the comparison, i'm looking for Brad Pitt's abs ) probably has a high muscle/fat ratio in her thighs. That gives them their "toned" look. But they're also big because of all the muscle there. So there are two things to think about, pure size and how toned they are.


Now I know you don't mind the size as much, but you want the toned. What you're doing with the elliptic machine is great. This will build more dense muscle. But if you don't see results after enough time you should change your routine.


You should be tracking your progress (you should do this already) For size get a seamstresses tape measure, for body fat (bf%) in that area get a pair of calipers (I use slimguide), and just measure in that area as a rough guide, you probably should still weight yourself too. This will tell you if you're making progress losing fat.



See I'm afraid you're going to tell me that you don't need to worry about body fat. But that IS what being toned is. If you're legs were pure muscle you start to develop what are called stirations (where you can see the groves in the muscles). Now no mater how big your legs are you can still reach this state--this IS the epitome of toned. Now I'm just worried you're going to say, "I don't need to work on body fat because my tummy is nice and flat." But it doesn't work that way. If you lack the toned look in your muscles then you need to lose weight, there is no other way around it. The body stores fat in different places. In men it's the midriff, in women it's upper legs and buttocks. The first place you store is the last place you lose. Remember when Matthew Perry gained weight (or anyone) you start to see their face get bigger. After you lose weight you lose it first in your face and last in your stomach (for men) or butt (for women).


The thing is that you can't really lose fat in JUST the legs--"spot reduction" is a myth:


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If you don't see results, increase the cardio, and watch your nutrition. I can't emphasize enought how important DIET is.


Elliptic is good. But in running, for example, you burn 100 calories per mile regardless of speed. I'm sure the elliptic machine and swimming are more but I'm sure it's not by a tremendous amount more. In each 20-30 minute session, you probably burn about 500 cals max--about one McDonald's Big Mac. And each lb of body fat is 3500 calories. So diet is extremely important. Contrary to a previous posters comments. You hardly burn any calories at all lifting weights. You can burn them rebuilding muscle, but you're not really training that way. So keep up the cardio. Diet is extremely important if you want to become more toned.


-Eat 5-6 meals a day with low calories, eat low cal and err on the side of higher protein. Eating often means you don't spike your blood glucose and you have the added effect of burning more calories via the Thermic Effect of Food.


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-Drink lots of water and take a multivitamin daily.

-Have a cheat day once a week where you eat anything (keeps your metabolism up to speed).

-Track your progress, tape measure, calipers, take pictures, and count calories

-Increase the cardio and decrease the use of weights, If you're looking for strength just do pushups at home or use some small free weights for tris/bis


Now everyone is different, but if you exercise enough and eat often enough, your metabolism should be raging. But if this still doesn't work you might want to try restricting calories further or going low-carb.


Sorry to drone on this diet/body fat thing, and you've never really denied it before . But I'm telling you, if you want to be toned this IS what it amounts to: you can increase the muscle all you want, but you will always have a layer of subcutaneous fat that will keep you from looking tone.



As for me, I've been trying a relaxed ketogenic diet (which isn't just for epilepsy)

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Just check out alt.fitness.weights. I'm not really good at sticking to this because there are carbs in everything I eat. I still had a hard time losing weight, I guess I was taking in too many calories. But since I was eating so much my metabolism was on hyperdrive. I didn't eat for 3 days--for other reasons--and dropped 1/2 inch off my waist. I know they say that I risk losing muscle by doing this, but my caliper readings say otherwise. It must of been because I was in ketosis.

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So now I'm at 170 @ ~11% bf and a 32 3/4 in waist.


I'm actually considering doing a fast again. I'll make it less dangerous by eating some calories in the form of protein.


Anyways, It takes years to understand your body, and many more years to work towards the body that you want. It took me a year just to gain 10lbs of muscle at the same bf %. So stick to it, and remember it's a very very long commitment.



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Hey ya'll! I was wondering, can I join this topic? Because, I do work out 3-4 times a week myself, not counting TaeKwonDo, baseball, track, or any other sport or physical activity I do. I really like working out, it's a great stress releiver and it makes my body feel great. And, it would be nice for a change to talk with some people besides my thirteen-year old friends, that have no clue what half the excercises, stretches, etc. I do are...

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I've only recently checked this thread again and I see more people joined. EXCELLENT


I have a question for you all; from your own experience what is the best for building muscle, low weight/high reps or big weight/low reps or a combination? Also how often do you all work out with weights? cardio? other? How much protein do you think I need if I want to be slightly more muscular - I have seen somewhere that it is based on your bodyweight!


I hope that all of your regimes is coming along well. I have to admit sometimes that it is my motivation that lets me down! Hence the support (and sometimes a kick up the backside) on this thread.


see you later

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Hey dude, heres my training regime:


Monday: weights

Tuesday: Cardio

Wednesday: Weights

Thursday: Cardio

Friday: Weights

Saturday: 2-5 mile run


For building muscle you need to do high weight/low reps. If you were to do low weight/high reps that would be building muscular endurance. The amount of protein the body needs does depend on weight, i suggest you google it to seewhat you can find!


Good luck,


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NUTRITION IS SO IMPORTANT. I used to lift a lot in high school and I got strong but didn't see much in terms of gains.


You need to eat a high protein meal after breaking down your muscle. The last poster was right. High weight/low reps (8-10) and good nutrition is key to hypertropy. I lifted hard for 3 weeks last december and took a high quality protein suplement drink after my workouts (50g I think) I got big. My friends all commented on how big I was. I saw was because that's how you should do it.


Cut phase--> Mass phase --> cut phase --Mass phase. Eventually you'll have the BMI of Stalone.


good luck

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They do taste disgusting don't they. But you're not doing it becasue it tastes good. The one I was used were from a GNC or a vending machine at my gym. They look like this:


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These don't tast like shakes, they are more like juice then milk. Myoplex also makes good protein drinks, but they are more like a chocolate shake. I hate drinking a chalkly milk after workingout, but this is more like a chalkly juice, so it's a little bit better.


Now you notice it's a little on the expensive side, but I only drank them for about 5 times a week for 4 weeks or so, I ate like an animal, lifted hard and drank these things after working out. It's very important to take protein when your muscles are starved for it.


So I think I went from 165 --> 180 and probably about 10lbs of that was muscle. You do have to watch that your not packing on the lbs. You should err on the side of getting a little fatter, the cut phase will take care of that. But my waist probably gained at least an inch. But when I came back at least 3 people independenly said, "you look huge." I have since been on a cut phase so I'm back down to 170 but I've kept most of the lean body mass. So I'm same bf% as last year but with 10 more lbs of muscle, I plan on doing the same thing for winter break. It's a good way to train actally, bulk in the winter, cut in the spring for swimsuit season in the summer.


Good luck on your training.

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abcd1234 - welcome to the thread!


Tiger - YOU ROCK. Seriously, I really appreciated that post about nutrition/toning. A lot of good information there; thanks so much for taking the time to write it out!


Yeah, I am probably going to have to diet to see some real results. Because when I feel my leg muscles, they are much harder now, but there is a layer of fat that is hiding them...i.e., you can't really see the cut yet.


Shoot, I hate dieting.


I'm actually going for the Britney thighs...I like that they're so muscular. I think the waiflike "stick" look is pretty unattractive, and I don't want to get thin. But I'm gonna probably have to drop about five to seven pounds.


My deal is that I'm mostly vegan, so I have to watch out for animal ingredients in protein shakes, etc. But there are lots of vegan high-protein recipes. If anyone is interested in the whole vegan/weight-lifting thing, there's a great forum at link removed

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When cutting what kind of foods do you go for to maintain the muscle but loose the fat, and how long do you have to maintain it for.


Last year when I cut I basically did a modified "subway diet". You know that guy from the subway adds. Well subs and pitas near my school are rather low calorie (~500 cals for pitas, 700-800 for subs) so if I kept my caloric intake to 1500 and ran I could create a deficit of about 1000 calories, so I was able to lose about 2 lbs a week.


This year I jumped on the low-carb bandwagon. Actually if you talk to any of the bodybuilders you'll find out that they all do basically low-carb diet


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The Cylical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) is what most bodybuilders go on before competition, it's very good in maintaining muscle and losing body fat.

CKD, Akins, and South Beach all restrict carbohydrates to less than 30g/day for a certain amount of time. South Beach goes through phases and reintroduces carbohydrates when you're over insulin resistance. CKD has you recarb (refeed) on the weekends where you basically eat as many carbs as you want so that you're muscles are saturated with them.


Thing is I didn't really follow either of these very well. I dropped more and more carbs. Didn't eat any breads, at lots of meats and salads, chicken, bell peepers, eggs. But I also wanted to eat about 5 times a day so I also got boxes of yogurt and peanuts. Low-Carb yogurt really shouln't be consumed when on a low-carb diet. It has like 8 grams a cup and I eat probably 3 of them a day at least. And peanuts also have lots of carbs and are high in calories (but they are loaded with unsaturated fats which boost your good, LDL cholesterol).


So my metabolism was racing due to eating like 6 times a day, but I didn't really have a calorie deficit, so I stayed around 175 for weeks. But I was relatively carb depleted during these weeks, but not enough to enter Ketosis:


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It wasn't until after I fasted for 3 days with little food that I jumped right into Ketosis. Not to sound gross but your urine will turn a bright color, your breath will become sweet, and your body will warm up as it burns the fat. When you go from working (cardio/weights) often and eating all the time your body gets used to having a constant influx of calories, it find's no need to go into "feast and famine" mode. But once you do stop eating your body is so used to having a constant blood glucose level. But once your liver and blood are depleted of glucose it has to maintain blood glucose or you'll pass out (plus your brain needs blood sugar). So it goes to the now preferred metabolic pathway (link removed) for energy: fat stores. It catabolizes the fat:

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into glycerol which the liver can convert to glucose.


Sorry for the long winded answer. Just showing you that there is a method to my madness.


But back to your question. It will depend on how you want to lose weight. There are glycemic index books out there that will let you understand what foods to stay away from in you want to go low carb. And if you want to just try low calorie then it doesn't matter what you eat as long as it's low calorie. You also want lots of protein to maintain muscle.


Good foods for low carb:

Cottage cheese (really great! low calories but VERY high in protein)

Tuna Fish - Very high in protein and omega-3 fatty acids

low carb Yogurt - Still has too many carbs for a low carb diet but has lots of protein


-most cheeses (string cheese, but this is high in saturated fat)


-lettuce, salads w/ shredded bacon

-any meats

-Most veggies (but not fruits, they contain fructose which is a sugar)

-sugar free jell-o


Be careful: most low carb foods aren't really low carb


Good foods for low calorie diet:

-The above plus


-oatmeal (make sure you eat breakfast. You burn more calories throughout the day)

-nuts in moderation

-yogurt (low carb has lots of protein)


-As for drinks: water, water, water. If you get sick of just water get some sugar free CoolAid, or tea, anything with an artificial sweetener like aspertame or splenda, but drinks are a source of needless calories


Sorry I can't think of anymore at the moment.


If you're looking for more idea's there's lots of good books on Amazon and you and google for more info.


Good luck.

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Hey tiger...... ooh that didnt sound right


Yeah it is sensei from naruto!


I thought id bring an interesting question to you all. Myself and a friend were talking to all our fellow gym-users today and we sorta got a mini poll going:


"What music do you most enjoy listening to when you workout?"


Please post yours!


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