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In a Radio Daze


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Ch.1) Who am I? . . .I don't know. . .


Let me first give you a background of me. . . because I just will even if people don't care. I am 20 going on 21, I've had 8 open heart surgeries, a defibulator in my arm, and have moved at least 4 times. I lived in Pennslyvania, moved to South Carolina, thinking of going to Los Angeles to go into the Academy of Radio there. Right now it's 11:42 am and I'm listening to The Howard Stern Show. . .I would like to become like Howard Stern. . . and yet I'm a shy person. It's funny, Howard is a shy person, or at least that's what he says, and he's a good talker on the radio. I think I could do something like Howard. My mother hates that I listen to him, which I don't no why. She's tells me that she listened to him back in the 80's, and she didn't like him. I don't care that she doesn't like him. . . I like him. I think he's the best damn thing ever. . .Howard Stern is my God. I've been really wanting to get out of the house and go somewhere else. . . somewhere new. . . somewhere I've never been before. LA sounds nice anyway. I'm just not sure if I can do it. I've had 8 open heart surgeries, I need to get my defibulator taken out and new batteries put in, and I'm afrid that if I need to go into another surgery, my mother won't be there. My mother was always there for me when in the hospital, if I do make the move I'm not sure if I could take the idea that my mother won't be there when I need her. Even though I'm scared, I would still like to leave home and try something new.


I know there's more than 4 sentences in that paragraph. . . too bad I don't care. Let's move on shall we. The reason I had titled this Radio Daze is because, I'm in a daze. . . I want to in so many ways get into radio, I don't know where to go to. The reaso why I had titled the other part of this Who am I?. . . I don't know. . . is because I'm a shy and quite person, but sometimes I just feel like yelling at the world and the politicans and the Government of how deranged they are. Sometimes I want to do nothing and I'm depressed and sometimes I just want to do something I never thought I'd do. Meaning talking to people, I don't talk to people. I'm too shy. I think if I'm on the radio, maybe I could talk because I'm infront of a microphone, not people. I think it may be very fun. Now I need to get ideas on what to talk about. . . that will come up tomorrow in Ch.2.


You may think this is just a story. . . but it's what I would really like to do. If anybody has any advice. . . please pm me.

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Frist I would like to say. . .thank you to the 18 people that looked at this. . .I'm hoping for more views. . .and maybe some advice/ideas. . . on to the next part.


Ch. 2) Ideas. . .and what I don't have. . .


My ideas of what I could do is give advice. . . if anyone had noticed I've been all over this forum for the past 11 days giving advice. Good advice and some bad. . .bad advice. But for a radio show or a DJ for a radio station I could come up with some things. To just talking about whatever and taking calls and giving advice to maybe getting some girls and talk to them and let them strip down. . .you know that good stuff. . .this is the ideas of a good radio show. What I don't understand is why is that so bad. A woman comes on to take off her cloths. . . so what. . . let her. . .it makes good radio.


Though what I don't have is my ideas on what to talk about. What the hell am I suppose to talk about. Everyone knows how stupid the FCC is. I don't think I need to explain it. . .people no matter what will learn curse words anyway. . . even if you kid just said the F word. He didn't get it from the radio, crazy. . .he got it from you. Kids learn from their parents. . .don't go blaming television. . .it was from you when you got cut off on the highway and you yelled out F *** you. I just want to get a job in radio. . .I think it's a cool idea.


I don't care if you have good or bad advice. . . PM me about what you think. . . please. . .

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Part 3 Going, going,. . .possibly staying.


I really want to try to get out of the nest and leave. I really don't care where I'd go but the first possibility would be L.A. If I do leave. I still don't know if I should leave. I still didn't talk to my family or anyone yet, except here on this forum. . . great isn't it.

So, yeah, your getting to hear what I want to do before my family does. . .you better be happy. . .


Then again, maybe I should stay. It's not that bad at home, and the way the economy sucks and the Government not knowing how to get people jobs. . . you thought they would be good at it by this point but the only thing they know is how to start wars.

The United States of America. . .the people are good but the Government is a bunch of idiots, that should be our new slogan here in America. And if your from the Religious Right. . .I don't want to here from you. People are people no matter if they are gay, straight, or bi. . .they're people. . .stop trying to make people kill themselves just because your “bible” says it's wrong. And for those on the left. . .shut up too. . . I want to here people who are in the middle and actually have ideas and not bicker about religious B.S.


I think I went off track a bit. . .yeah. . .


Soon will be part 4 of my craziness. . .and thank you for reading.

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Ch. 4 Knowing stuff could be considered shock jock material.


Yes, that's what the title reads. . . you know why? Because people like when the Government tells the people what to believe. . .and if you don't believe it, your going to be blacklisted. What a great surprise to come to the airport just to be told you are a terrorist. Even if your an American citizen, you could be blacklisted. I want to be that radio guy that goes against some of the stuff the government is saying. Not all of what those morons say is a lie, but some of it is. Example. . . .the reason we went to Vietnam in 1965 to 1975. What the Gov. says is that our ship the USS Maddox. . . I think that's what the ship was called. . . was on the South Vietnam side and a North Vietnam Navy ship came accross to South Vietnam to hit the USS Maddox. Thankful the torpedo form the NV Navy didn't hit the ship, but they still shot at us, so we needed to go in there to kill all those commies.


Here's the real story behind Nam. The ship the USS Maddox had went accross to North Vietnam for some reason the Gov. doesn't want to say. . . and they got what they got which was being shot at to leave North Vietnam. . .then again radar wasn't that good back in '65 so it may have been dolphins that were being picked up on Sonar because dolphins had somewhat of a radar themselves. So, really who the hell knows what went on. You can believe the Gov. story of utter stupidity, or you can believe something else.


It kind of odd. . .the Gov. story doesn't really add up. Here's why, the North Vietnamese never came accross the border. . .except what the Gov. tells us. . .this one time. And even if they did do it more than once. . .why didn't the North Vietnamese try shotting at the South Vietnamese ships? It somewhat makes sense, but in the end, it doesn't. And the end took 10 years to find. . .10 years of having American citizens killed for no reason except of course. . .we were deathly afraid of the commie red storm that was going to arrive in America anytime. You know what we got from that 10 year experience in Nam. . .we know no not to mess with those people ever again. Too bad we didn't know before hand. Our country lost a lot of good people to the god damn war that made no sense whatsoever.


What if I told you this on the radio. . .would you be shocked? I bet you would.


Thank you for reading.


Part 5 will be on Monday. . . or tomorrow. Don't know yet.

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Chapter 5 of the self-proclaimed best journal post of December. . .is here.


Ch 5. The Government is a bunch of idiots. . . and the public is stupider. . .


So here's the deal. Our Government likes to keep secrets. . . and the public likes to believe everything and anything that the Government says. If you want to believe the Government, then fine, believe them, but when someone tells you and gives you evidence of something else happening. . .try to figure if that is the real story or not. Don't just think the Gov. knows everything, they don't. Yeah, they know some stuff, but our Gov. likes to lie and do whatever it wants to. Kind of like the Israeli's. . .from what I heard, they have water that pumps down to the Gaza Strip, Palestine. From what I heard, the Israeli's have turned off the water supply to the Gaza Strip and the Israeli's won't, for some reason, help the Palestinians. Now what happens, a Red Cross ship tries to come into help Palestinians. Guess what? The Red Cross ship is around I think 32 or 33 miles off shore of where they're supposed to come in Gaza Strip. The Israeli's come out to where the ship is, here's the problem. . . the ship is 33 miles off. . .The country of Israel can only come out to I think 30 miles because after 30 miles the waters become International Waters. So the Red Cross ship is in International waters. . . the Israeli's don't care. . .what the Israelis did was against International laws. But everyone likes to think that Israel is the good country that we should be helping. . . HA. If you noticed what I put down up above, they broke International laws. . . who cares. . .I DO.


Yet, whatever the Government says, the public listens. The public doesn't care if there is another story to it or not. . .they just listen to the Government and just go along with it. I'm getting tired of it. I'm getting tired of getting lied to by our own Government. Aren't you? If I were you I'd be mad. Then again I am mad. Why can't our Gov. just tell us the truth. . .I understand some of the stuff, but all of it. This is insane that our country would back up such a crazy stupid country like Israel. I just don't get it. I know I kind of went off track about the US Government to Israel. . .but I had to.


Stay tuned for Chapter 6 of the crazy saga of Shyguy20's thoughts. . . Coming this Monday Night here on In A Radio Daze's Solo Journal.

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Chapter 6 of Radio Daze. . .is here. . .


Ch. 6) Talk Talk


As if I didn't put down enough stuff. . .I'll put down even more. So this chapter is known as Talk Talk, because I don't know what else to put down for what I want to do. . .so I think I'll put down some stuff of what I would possibly talk about on the radio. Let's see, what could I talk about. I'm going to tell you a secret that I haven't told anybody. When I was, I would believe, 12 or 13, my brother who was 17 or 18 at the time had a stash of porn magazines in his closet. When he and my parents weren't at home, I would go into his closet and look at these magazines. These women in there were hot. . ..I mean hot. It was usually Playboy and I think he may have had some Hustler magazines in there, but I only found the playboys. There were just some fantastic nude women in there and there were those other pictures of naked women with naked guys going into them. . .just. . .WOW! I was fantasizing about the women that were in there. . .thinking wow, if they were with me. . .could I actually have fun with them with the sexual stuff. I was just so turned on by those magazines, I couldn't take them to my room. . .thinking my brother would actually notice, so whenever my family wasn't there, that's where I would be.


I just read back over that paragraph. . .I wish I could have went into more detail. . .but I don't have anymore details. You know what, I think the Playboy issues were from 1998 and 1997 or something. I've seen some very good stuff in my years. I also had some other experience (no not drugs) that I'll go into Wednesday night or Thursday night. Not now. . .but later. . .I don't even know if I should bring it up. . . but I think I will. I hope this post and the next post make up for the other post that I was suppose to post on Monday night.


Chapter 7 of Shyguy20's Journal: In a Radio Daze will be posted Thursday. . .yes, there will be details. . . .trust me.

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Chapter 7. . .yes it's here. . .just not what you were expecting. . .


Ch.7) I'm sorry. . .


Ok. . .look, it's not what I said at the end of Ch. 6 but, I need to get some things off my mind.


I have. . .or should I say had. . .this really good friend, who was the nicest person that I knew. He was really someone I looked up to and yet you might have thought he was suppose to look up to me. He was a kind, gentle person when he should be and a mean motherf'er when needed to be. He would back up anyone that was his friend and made sure that you would be OK if he was your friend. He was a one of those good people and he was my friend. . .and yet I failed him.


I went over to this persons house and we were playing outside. He owned a Christmas Tree farm and me and my family brought trees from his and his parents farm. One time in the summer I came over to make a long story short, I jumped on his leg. . .which he got mad. . .I understand why. I don't think I did back then, but after this happened I didn't tell anyone, afraid of being yelled at by my parents. His parents on the other hand. . .I don't really know how they felt. I felt really bad for him. . .but I didn't call him the next day or the next or the next to make sure he was ok. I should have. . .and I hate myself for not doing that. Around 5 yrs pass by. . .I get on to Facebook to make connections with people in Pennsylvania. . ..I'm now living in South Carolina. I had found that many of my friends were on there. They were all like “Where are you at man. . .” and all of that. . .though I still couldn't find my best friend. . .the kid I'm telling you about right now. . .on here. I put in RIP (his name) and it came up with some hits. He was the second one down on here. I looked at it again and again thinking this can't be him. Then I clicked on it. . .I saw some of the friends that I know from this school that he and I went to and it was him. I pm'd to one of my friends and asked what happened. He told me he od'd on Herion. . .now I'm think, no, that can't be right. Why would he be taking drugs. . .that's not like him. But it was him. . .he od'd . . .if I knew this would happen I would have called him the next day and made sure he was ok after I jumped on his leg accidentally. . .I don't think I broke his leg though. His mother pm'd me and told me he was talking about me the whole time asking where I was and all. This was sometime around 7 months ago that I learned that he died.


The reason why this is titled I'm sorry is because I'm sorry to the people that viewed this thinking it was what I put in Ch. 6. . .so that story will come up on Ch. 8 sometime soon.


And I'm also sorry to my friend that I was suppose to be there for. I'm sorry. . .I hope to see you again someday. You were the best friend in the world to me. . .and I failed you. . .I'm sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Finally. . .Ch 8. . .is finally here. . .


Ch.8 )My . . . experience. . .


You know how some people have secrets. . well, this is my very big secret that I have.


One night me and my friend from school. . .not my friend I was talking about in Chapter 7. . .this is a friend I knew from another school. So my friend came over one night. We were playing a game on the Nintendo 64 and for some reason I thought it would be a fun idea if I started to take our cloths off every time we lost. . .so it's like a dare in a truth or dare situation. . . I don't know why. (No really I actually forgot why I thought this was a good idea or if it was his idea. . .I thought it would be fun.) Sometime by 10:00 pm I already took off almost all my cloths except for my t-shirt. . .he didn't take anything off because he was winning. So I was kind of having somewhat of a fun time showing off my penis to him. . .and he was having a fun time trying to not look when I lifted up my shirt to show off and trying not screw up on the game.


He didn't touch me or anything. . . at least not yet. After a while my mom comes in to see how we're doing. . .I had my t-shirt over my private area when she barged in. She asked me if I had underwear on in which I said I did, of course I was lieing. . .she didn't know. So she leaves my room, closes the door and my friend looks at me smiling. . . and then I told him to look down and I lifted up my shirt to show “myself”. He laughed and I had laughed also. So we kept on playing the game and stuff like that. . .my parents we're asleep on the other side of the house. . .and then we went to bed. I had my own bed while he was sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag. Now in bed I was completely naked and he supposedly was. . .he asked if he could feel my penis. . .I said sure and he did. For some reason I like the feeling of someone's hand on my thing. . .


So then I asked if I could see his. . .because I haven't seen his. . .and I wanted to seeing I exposed myself to him. He said no, he wasn't going to show me but he said I could touch his. . .so I did. I didn't know what to make of it. . .it was pretty long. . .or at least it felt like it to me. I think it was an ok experience, I just wish I knew his whole name so I could find him on Facebook. . .but I don't know his whole name. Though that night wasn't that bad to me I don't think it was that bad for him. . .we were the same age by the way. Yeah, I'm kind of leaving out a few things. . .but awell. So that was my gay experience. . .and I think I'm still straight or maybe bi. . .I don't know.


Chapter 9 is up next. . .sometime on Wednesday. Thank you for reading.

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. . .Chapter 9 of the all telling journal. . .Radio Daze. . .is here. . .


A little edit on my part. . .Chapter 8 was suppose to be titled My Experiment. . .


And now. . .Chapter 9: What should I do???


Ok, so you may have noticed I went way off track with telling my own little experiment. . .so let's get back to the actual reason why I reason I have this journal. . .I was thinking of going to L.A to be in radio. . .then I talked to my father which I don't see most of the time cause he's in Fla. . .long story. . . he told me maybe I should get a volunteer job at a radio station here in South Carolina. Maybe I will. It seems that I know more about the ratings right now than I ever did. Like the idea that the top - 40 stations suck and, to me, there needs to be more rock stations on the radio. . .maybe I could get into an afternoon drive slot for a station. . .that is of course if the radio general manger and program director is ok with it. I don't really have that good of a voice, but I do have a whole lot of political views that may set those stupid religious cults back into their cages.


Here's the thing. . .if I do get a volunteer job that means that I'm going to stay with my parents for that time. . .but if I do that would mean I got my foot in the door of an possible job on the radio. If I go to L.A. . .I wouldn't be with my mother and there isn't that big possibility that I wouldn't get into the radio business. Maybe I should get my foot in the door first and volunteer, and if they think I should get into radio, maybe I could go to radio college a whole lot easier. . .I'm not that sure.


If I do go to L.A. . .I would go to L.A just to get out there. . .right now, I'm sitting in my room typing on a very bright screen in a somewhat dark room wit the window blinds open and to top it all off, It's raining down here. I was thinking of taking a walk today. . .but I guess I can't.


If anyone was offend by what I posted in Chapter 8. . .I'm sorry. . .but I didn't have anything else and I thought I would tell you something of my life that no one else knows about. . .not sure if I should take it down or not. No, I'm not. . . It's somewhat of my life story that was kind of odd. . .but I'm sure there are other people out there that may have had that type of experiment, but doesn't want to talk about it.


Chapter 10 coming soon on Friday or Saturday. . .not sure yet.

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Because of the shooting of the Arizona Congresswoman. . .I thought I might give my two cents on what's happening and all.


I think by this point we all know the story by now. . . the part that just ticks me off is the idea that the Westboro nut jobs will be yelling their hate at this 9 yr. Old girls parents, because they are Catholic. Yes, you read correctly. . .a “Church” of fundamentalist Christian nut jobs will be in Arizona to hate on Christians. . .didn't see that coming, did you? Yea, I didn't neither. Thankfully though, the State of Arizona passed a law that people can't protest close to the funeral, or they would get fined or, I think, thrown in jail. It's beyond me on why anybody would protest a funeral anyway. . .you just don't do that. . .no matter what.


You know, I really hate when people think if they're racist or bigots or homophobic, that's just fine. . .IT ISN'T. Killing people and making people want to kill themselves isn't a good thing. There are good people out there that don't do anything wrong, and yet they get hated on because of their skin color or because of their sexuality. I had it. . .enough is enough. Just because hating people is easier to do, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Hating isn't getting us anywhere except going backwards into the 1920's to the 60's. . .when being yourself was a bad thing and you needed to be like everyone else. Everyone is different. . .just because someone isn't exactly like you doesn't mean they're bad.


There is finger pointing going on from Saturday's shooting up till this point tonight. . .and it's something. I blame the three main nut cases in America: Rush “coke head” Limbaugh, Glenn “wa wa” Beck, and Alex “our government is a bunch of terrorist” Jones. Take a guess why. . .these imbeciles are the main front for saying our Government is bad. Guess what, the 22 year old kid, I bet, listened to one of these nuts, he didn't like the Gov neither. . .then again who doesn't. . .but who would take a gun and shoot someone in the face? Not me. Maybe this kid could have done something else other than shooting people. . .the biggest moron of the whack jobs is, of course, Alaska's ex - Governor Sarah “ Big O'Jesus Fish” Palin.


She was the one that had the idea to put up a map with all the Senators names on them with gun cross-hairs on the maps. And she came out today saying that the media shouldn't go after her saying it's reprehensible to blame rhetoric for the tragedy. . .it's hard not to do that. You know why, you have a map with cross-hairs on it with the

Governors names on it that you don't like. . .because they support something you don't like. You know what regular people do if they don't like someone. . .they turn around and leave. Oh, no that wouldn't make Sarah Palin look good. . .so she's going to tell people not to back down and “reload”. . .too bad the 22 year old couldn't do that, huh?


I think we all now know who is to really blame. . .the religious and nutty right.


Sorry for not updating till now. . .but just waiting till I had info on what's happening in the news. . .I promise I'll update this on Saturday. . . I promise.

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I would like to start off by saying that yes, I am an Atheist or Freethinker or whatever you might want to call me. I'm sorry that I like to think for myself and follow the law instead of following the crazy and idiotic Bible teachings. I don't really like the idea for working for a guy that has killed more than 1 million people. . .even though you think that the number is lower. . .it isn't. It's funny, the devil only killed,I think, 7 people, of course if you believe in the bible.


On with the torrent of info that no one likes to hear. . .the Truth. It seems odd that every one of the Church right wing-nuts wants everyone to be the same. . .well, too bad that no matter who you are, we are all different. Different in thinking, different in knowledge, different in body, different in everything. Too bad that there are people that actually want to help people out there, but most of those people are probably like me. . .shy, nervous of what to say, or afraid because if they stand up for something, they may get knock down. It time to stop being afraid and to start standing-up to those who bully other people. There is really no need for this bullying to happen. People have a right to live. . .either gay, straight, bi, or trans-gendered.


Now to the fun part. . .abortion. I know that some of you will hate me for this. . .but my belief is that if the woman wants to have an abortion, then she should. If she doesn't, then she doesn't have to. Isn't this the Country of the Free. . .not the Country of religion. I thought those countries were in the Middle East getting help from terrorist. I thought this was the Country of opinions. . .not the Country of the bible. I really wish that people would start using their minds instead of a book that was written by a bunch of people who think they know everything.


Some say this is a Christian Country and it's ok to hate, because of what their bible says. . .they are wrong. This Nation was taken from the British after the British tried to get the public to get their guns away. . .then the public fraught back. The British lost their territory, but we gained a nation under our Founding Fathers that thought this nation should be a free country with the idea of freedom of speech and press and religion. . .I'm sure that Thomas Jefferson is spinning in his grave over what has happened with this country since back then. You know why, . . .in the Constitution, it's written that every man is equal. . .it doesn't have any exceptions. . .everyone is equal. . .no matter what, unless you committed a crime, then you're going to jail.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Imagine if there was peace all over the world. . .imagine if it were real. Imagine if there were no wars, no killings, no starvation, no rapes, no shootings, no one wounded, no one hurt, and no religion. Imagine everyone's happy, and kind and intelligent and all those good things.


Imagine. . .because this will never become real.


Imagine - John Lennon:


Chapter 10 Part 3 will be up next week. . .I have something to go to this week up in Pennsylvania.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, if you were watching either on CNN or Al-Jazerra T.V. . . you might have noticed that the President of Egypt Hosni Mubarak step down and took 70 billion dollars of Egypt money with him. 70 Billion dollars of Egypts own money that should have went to the Egyptian people and Army. Thankfully the Swiss bank that Mubarak keeps his money in stop him from taking the money out of the bank. Oddly enough we, the USA, gave him that money over the 30 yrs he was dictator. There have been similar up-risings in Tunsina where the Government was over-thown. Now in Algeria they have been at it with their government way before Egypt's uprise. . .but things don't seem to be going that well in Algeria. Police have tried to stop the protest in the capital Algeriers, but the people want demoracy from their Gov. like the Egyptians just got. . .let's just hope the Egyptians don't elect another leader that will rule for another 30 yrs. Their are signs of up-risings in Yemen also where the President told his people he and his son won't run again for the 2014 elections. Their are possible signs of a revolt in Iran. . .no, not the Islamic revolution. . .but of a democratic one. Some say their might be a revolution in Israel. . .with Colonel Gaddiffi, the still Libyan leader, calls for the Gaza Strip to peacefully revolt on the border of Israel until they get what they want.


(Is this too political for you????)


Now, I would like to talk about the 5 point infarction against me. In my own opinion I didn't deserve it in the first place. . .but of course AVMan thought I did. Here's the thing, some kid came on to this site and had stated he had smoked pot and had thrown neon paint on his walls with a friend of his. . .I will put down the link to it. . . I had stated that he is stupid and should stop smoking pot. . .well, take a guess who didn't like it. . .So AVMan and all the rest of the people tried to help this kid. . .guess what. . .he didn't want any help to stop smoking. . .he wanted to know how to get neon paint of the walls. . .and of course AVMan closed it because, I knew this already, he wasn't wanting any help.


And now I get thread closed from Sidehop for political, something stupid. . .but what I put down in the news forum is Egypt's revlot live coverage on Al-Jazerra Tv. . .I pretty sure Sidehop didn't mean me but the other people who were commenting on the things going on in Egypt. . .so what, let them comment and if it turns violent then I could see someone closing the post. . but I don't think there was any violent things being said on it. I know I shouldn't comment on the infraction. .. but it's a stupid reason for the infraction. . .so there.


I'll be putting another Chapter up tomorrow or the next day, if I'm still able to get on the site. . .I may start a blog soon.


The kid that smoked shrooms and threw neon paint on the walls -

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  • 1 year later...

Hello everybody. That's right, I'm back. Let me tell you, reading over the infaction part (part 12) again made me wonder if AvMan is still here. Well, anyway, I'm doing somewhat better. I left (and I say this as if anybody even noticed!) and talked to some people while I was away and I thought maybe I should return because...hell, I don't know. So, I'm back and I will be putting up some more of this stuff. I missed all of you (yes, even you AvMan!). I'll be back tomorrow with even more details of what happened over the time I was gone. Chapter 14 will be up tomorrow.

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So, I have decided that I will start a new journal that would be better then this one. It will be known as "my thoughts" where I will put down...my thoughts. So, see you soon with a new journal...that will be better then this one. See you soon!

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  • 7 months later...

Hello, this is Shyguy20, now age 22, and, i am back. Part 15 will be tomorrow or sometime soon. Thank you for looking at my posts about my life and what I think. I hope you're enjoying this as much as I have enjoyed writing this. I know there isn't that much here so, I'm going to try to fill in some stuff that has happened up to this point. So, I hope you'll join me tomorrow in part 15. I stil don't know why I'm posting these things as "chapters" but whatever...

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