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what do you girls prefer down there?

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girls please, what do you prefer ... shaven completely, trimmed, or growin wild for pubic hair? or do you care? .. what about hair that is growing up on the shaft of the penis? or hair on balls?


i know alot will say its not necessary .. but when talking with girls or over hear them talkign, i heard "if only all guys shaved" .. guess it depends on the girl .. but i don't want to ask this girl what she prefers .. she'd probably say doesnt matter even though she probably does care.... or maybe not .. i donno..



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Look, if you really want to know...


why you're not getting many responses to this question...



I think you should try to think about other things than your eggs and Easter candy, no matter how much grass comes with the basket. Start developing your mind --- someday you might wish you spent these very years with your mind somewhere else than in your pants. I'm not trying to be harsh... but what kinda girl you goin' for anyway? Does she come with her own std test kit?

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This was my first question about this topic ever! I have asked tons of other questions and this just came up because I heard some girls talking about it.


This same quesstion was asked by a girl and she got responses. Not some b!tching session from you! This is a forum for answers and to help people, not make them feel like sh!t for asking 1 question that may not appeal to you .


The girl I'm going for probably doesnt care, but it be nice to know what girls think.


Thanks alot

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lol, i hope u 2 meet in the future, only for surly to be put off by the way your pubic hair is. Then maybe she would of wished she gave u an answer after all




I just like to keep mine trimmed (altho shave a little under the shaft that gets the odd hair). It looks more attractive and is more hygenic, in my opinion. I wouldnt shave completely because it would make u look like a 2 year old.

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